Tommy the Tiger

"But why, mom?"

"Because." She said, sighing wearily. "It's your turn this year. You just have to take Eric around the neighborhood."

"None of his friends need a freaking chaperone."

"Watch your tone, young man." Mom replied, frowning. "It's our rule as a family. You should feel flattered that I consider you mature enough to do it."

"It's Halloween!"

"So? Do you have plans?"


"You'd spend all night pouting if I made you hand out candy while I took Eric out,so this works better."


"No buts, mister." That was how Tommy ended up walking out of the house with his brother Halloween evening. Eric was dressed as a vampire, probably the dorkiest costume imaginable in Tommy's mind.

"Why are we going so early?" Tommy asked irritably.

"I told you!" Eric said. "I need to go over to Jake's house first. It's his first Halloween here, so I'm going to help him with finding the best houses for trick or treating." Tommy groaned.

"So I'm gonna have to chaperone two little dorks?"

"I'm not that little." Eric replied. "I'm taller than you, especially since you slouch." Tommy grunted, the comment stinging a bit. If it had not been such a sore subject, maybe he would have brought that up to his mom. "You're not really chaperoning me anyway. Isn't it obvious? Mom and dad just wanted you out of the house instead of moping around all the time." Tommy's eyes practically flashed as he realized that Eric was probably right.


"C'mon, let's get to Jake's!"

Once they arrived at Jake's, Eric seemed to vanish into his friend's room in almost an instant, leaving Tommy alone to sit on the couch and wait for them to come back. Worst Halloween ever, he thought to himself glumly. It was not as though he had had any plans. He probably would have just hid in his room and played video games or something, but following his brother around the neighborhood while he trick or treated sounded like torture. What if someone saw him and thought he was trick or treating? That was why he had dressed carefully in a hoodie and jeans, the least costume-like outfit he could possibly assemble.

“Hello there.” He jumped as an unfamiliar voice startled him, yanking him out of his thoughts. A girl a few years older than Tommy stood there, smiling at him. “What's your name, buddy?”

“Uh… Tom” he mumbled. She was beautiful and he was immediately smitten. She chuckled at his nervousness.

"Nice to meet you, Tommy.” She said. "What are you doing here all by yourself?"

“Oh, I'm waiting for my brother. He went into the other room with Jake.”

"Ah.” She looked him over. “Aren't you trick or treating with them?”

“My mom wants me to chaperone Eric, but”

“Oh, of course.” She said, nodding in a way that made it clear she was not really listening. “Shouldn't you be wearing a costume?” She drew closer to him and Tommy stammered.

“Oh, I'm a little old for trick or treating, but” Once again, she did not seem to hear what he was saying.

“I think I know where there's an extra costume. C'mon, I'll help you put it on.” She grabbed his hand, Tommy gasping as he felt her impossibly soft skin. Was she an angel? As if she could read his mind, she smiled down at him. “I'm Janet by the way. Jake's older sister. What did you say your brother's name is? Eric?”


“Well, let's get you ready for trick or treating and then I can meet him. How's that sound?”

“Um, uh”

“I won't bite, buddy.” Janet said warmly. “C'mon. My mom's got some boxes in here that might just have a neat costume for you.”

“I don’t need” he tugged at his hand, but could not get free. “I don’t need a costume.”

“You won’t get any candy without a costume. You do want candy, don’t you?” Realization struck him. Due to his size, she must think he was a little kid!

“How old do you think I am?” Janet did not seem to hear him as she opened up a cardboard box.

“I think mom said the old costumes are in here. Jake was hemming and hawing about what to be.” Janet said, thinking out loud.

“I’m outta here.”

“Where you go, kiddo?” Janet asked, nabbing him and pulling him toward her. “Help me look.”

“I don’t even know you.”

“Sure you do. My name’s Janet, your name’s Tommy, we’re practically besties.”


"Aha!” She triumphantly unfurled an orange and black striped jumpsuit. Complete with a hood and a tail.

“A tiger?"

“That's right! Tommy the tiger! Jake wore this in kindergarten, I think. I bet it'll fit you perfectly.”

“I am not dressing up in a toddler costume.” Janet held it up to him and nodded to herself.

“Well, get undressed. Your big brother and Jake'll be ready to go any minute, I bet.”

“Whoa, whoa, whoa. Eric's not my big brother. He's my little brother.”

“Uh-huh. Sure.” Janet looked at him incredulously. "C'mon, enough fooling around. Let's get you dressed. Plus, this should keep you all toasty warm.”

"I am not wearing that!”

“It'll be fun, Tommy. Tommy the tiger! So ferocious.” She poked his belly playfully. “Show me your tiger roar.”

“What? No way. Look, we got off on the wrong foot. I’m not” he squealed as she suddenly began to tickle him mercilessly, falling back onto his butt.

“Tommy’s a ticklish tiger!” She said over and over again in a goofy voice, not letting up no matter how he tried to push her hands away. “Let me hear your tiger roar!” Even if he wanted to, Tommy could not have roared, laughing as uncontrollably as he was.

Through a combination of tickles and genuine babysitter experience, she got the squirming, squealing boy stripped down to his boxer briefs. If Tommy had known a hot girl was going to see his underwear, perhaps he would have worn a pair that did not have yellow dump trucks and front loaders on it, but how would he have known? She smiled at his adorable underwear before dressing him in the tiger costume, which was more like footie pajamas than a costume, although it did leave his sock-clad feet exposed.

“Oh, you make just the cutest little tiger!” She cooed as she zipped it up. The second her guard was down, Tommy tried to unzip it, but found that the plush paws over his hands made gripping the zipper impossible. He was trapped! “I think there’s even some face paints somewhere in here.” Janet dug through the box.

“You are not painting my face!”

“You need to have your face painted, kiddo. We don’t have a tiger mask in here.” How was it even possible that this baby costume fit him? He knew he was small for his age, but had Jake been a giant in kindergarten? It made no sense.

“I don’t want my face painted.”

“It’ll be fun, Tommy.” She said. “And if you need to go potty, you let me know, okay?” He grunted. “Aha! Here it is! How hold still while I make you a big scary tiger, alright?”

“I don’t wanna be a tiger!”

“Oh, yeah? I bet your tune will change once you see how much candy you get!” She held his chin in a hand. “Hold still.”


“Keep your mouth shut. Paint doesn’t taste nearly as good as candy.”

Tommy tried to think of something, anything to get out of this predicament, but nothing seemed to come to him. He was already dressed like a tiger and all he could do was stand there as Janet applied the cold face paint to his face. It was only when she was putting the finishing touches on his face that he realized why he was so anxious. What would Eric say?

“Eric” he murmured to himself.

“Hmm?” Janet said. “Oh, you’re wondering about your big brother! Well, how’s about we go find him?” Without waiting for an answer, she grabbed his hand and pulled him from the room. “We’ll need to go upstairs, so be very careful. In fact” once again, without so much as asking for permission, Janet scooped up Tommy and carried him up the stairs. “Oof, you’re a little heavy!” She said as they reached the top. “Maybe we should have had you crawl up them like a big, scary tiger, hmm?” She smiled and only then set Tommy down on the carpeted floor. Taking his hand, she led the boy down the hall.

As they walked, Tommy felt something tapping the backs of his legs. Looking behind him, he realized it was the tail of his costume. He whimpered as it sunk in that he, the boy who had insisted he was too mature for a costume, was now dressed like an oversized toddler in a baby costume. Why did it fit him so well?

He could hear their voices coming through the door as he and Janet neared it. He tugged at Janet’s hand.

“What’s wrong?” She asked. “Do you need to go potty?”

“No!” He realized how loud his protest was when the voices fell silent on the other side of the door for a moment before resuming their conversation. “I just don’t want Eric to see me like this.”

“Why? You’re an adorable tiger.”

“But, but”

“But what?” She squatted down so that they were eye to eye. “Give me one good reason why we shouldn’t show our brothers my handiwork.”

“Because” his blush was invisible under the face paint. “Because I’m Eric’s big brother.” Her eyes widened. He could tell she had not expected to hear that. “I’m fourteen. I know I’m small, but it’s true. My mom wanted me to chaperone Eric, just to be safe, and well… one thing led to another and somehow, I ended up like, like this.” He gestured up and down his body with the ridiculous plush paws.

Janet stared at him for a moment and he could practically see the gears turning as she tried to decide if he was telling the truth or not. After a moment, she shrugged.

“Even if that’s true, I’ve done a lot of work getting you into your costume, so let’s at least show Eric and Jake.” Tommy reached out to stop her, but she stood and knocked on the door. “Jake? Eric? Boys, Tommy and I are wondering what’s taking you two so long!” She smiled down at Tommy before adding “Tommy’s worried they’ll be all out of candy if you don’t leave now!”

“Am not!” Tommy protested, but it worked to draw the boys’ curiosity enough to open Jake’s bedroom door. Jake did not seem to know what was so funny at first as Eric burst into laughter the moment he saw Tommy standing there. “Shuddup.” Tommy hissed at Eric.

“Isn’t he adorable?” Janet asked, seeming to misunderstand the reason for Eric’s laughter. “He said he didn’t have a costume.”

“Oh, he looks great.” Eric said, wiping a tear from his eye. Tommy had thought Eric was a dork for dressing up as a vampire, but now he would have done anything to trade costumes with him.

“Is that my old tiger costume? I thought mom got rid of it.”

“It’s a good thing she didn’t, huh?” Janet said with a grin. “Oh, I just realized Tommy hasn’t actually gotten to see his face all painted up.” Once again taking Tommy by the hand, or rather the paw, she pulled him into Jake’s room and to his mirror.

“Oh, great.” Tommy muttered as he looked at his orange, black, and white face. It was a pretty good tiger and it gave him the smallest hope that maybe no one would recognize him.

“What do you think, Tommy?” Eric was practically bouncing up and down excitedly. “Did you thank Jake’s big sister for getting you dressed like a cute little tiger?” Tommy glared daggers at Eric, but Janet somehow missed it.

“Oh, I’m sure he meant to. Let’s head downstairs so our little tiger can go get some candy.” Eric and Jake grinned eagerly, both quite delighted by this Halloween surprise. “Oh, and you want to hear something funny? Tommy told me he’s your big brother.” Eric smirked down at Tommy and he knew in an instant that Eric would never in a million years clear things up.

“Well, I think it’s pretty clear he’s my little brother, isn’t it?”

“That’s not true!” Tommy protested, only realizing afterwards that he sounded every bit like a petulant little boy. Janet squatted down again.

“Oh, I’m sure Eric just meant that he’s bigger than you. Like, taller.” She held her hand up as if Tommy might not know what taller meant.

“I know that wasn’t what he meant.’ Tommy muttered, but no one seemed to hear or care what he thought. Janet took his hand again and they headed for the stairs.

“Do you want me to carry you again?”

“Again?” Eric and Jake said in excited unison.

“I can do it.” Tommy said.

“How about you scoot down?” Janet suggested. Tommy was now in a sour mood and he glared at her. “Carrying it is, my tough little tiger.” Tommy descended the stairs in Janet’s arms, Eric and Jake’s cackling laughter echoing in his ears, only barely muffled by the polar fleece hood over them.

Once they reached the ground floor, Janet set him down to his relief while she went to grab him a trick or treat pail from the other room, but that did nothing to spare him from Eric and Jake’s teasing and continued snickering.

“You look so cute, Tommy.” Eric said, admiring just how much like a toddler his brother had become. “This is so great.”

“I’m gonna get you for this.”

“I’d like to see you try.” Eric retorted. “How come you haven’t unzipped it?” He fingered the zipper right under Tommy’s chin. Tommy remained silent. “And why’d you let her paint your face? Didn’t you tell her?”

“I did, but she didn’t believe me.” He whimpered.

“Can’t say I blame her.” Jake observed. “But why’d you even put the thing on? Bet you think she’s hot.”
“I didn’t put it on. She forced me into it.”

“Wait, so are you still wearing clothes under there?” When Tommy did not immediately answer, Eric unzipped his costume just enough to see his pale chest underneath. “She undressed you, dude?” Tommy nodded.

“How old is he, really?”

“Fourteen, but if you tell your sister, I’ll freaking kill you.” Jake grinned.

“Oh, I won’t tell her. This is way too funny.”

“What are you?” Tommy asked Jake, eager to change the subject. He was wearing just black, so it was hard to tell.

“Oh, I’m a ninja.” He pulled on his mask. “See?” Tommy looked from Jake to Eric and realized that, in their dark clothes, his orange and black outfit would stick out like a sore thumb.

“Alright, I found three pails for you three boys.” Janet said, returning. “Tommy, be sure to hold onto your brother’s hand the whole time, okay?” She patted his head between his two round little ears. “We wouldn’t want our little tiger getting lost, huh?” Tommy gulped as Eric took his hand, squeezing it tightly.

“Wow! You sure you can even hold your pail in these things?”

“I can.” Tommy grunted.

“Oh, so you do want to go trick or treating.” Eric grinned, the plastic vampire fangs only adding to the predatory delight written all over his face.

“No, I really don’t” Tommy replied, but no one seemed to hear him.

“I almost forgot. Mom wanted me to send her a photo of the trick or treaters. Line up nicely, boys. Ninja, vampire, and the tiger kitten right in the middle.” She instructed, pointing to each spot.

“Can you send it to our mom too?” Eric asked. “She’ll love this!”

“I bet she will.” Janet said, none of them seemingly aware of Tommy’s attempts to dissuade her. “Now smile, boys!” She held up her phone. “Smile, Tommy or I’ll have to tickle you again.”

“Again?” Jake and Eric both said with a snort.

“That’s much better, Tommy.” Janet said approvingly. “Such a ferocious smile for a little tiger.”

“Tiger kitten.” Eric corrected, patting Tommy roughly on the head.

“I’m gonna kill you.” Tommy grumbled.

“One more photo and then you three can go out and get some sweet, sweet candy haul.” Janet said. “Eric, Jake, I want you two to look afraid. Tommy, go ahead and give us your best roar face, okay?”

“You’ve gotta be kidding me.”

“It’ll be fun!” Janet exclaimed, stretching out the last word. Tommy sighed. Three against one. He had no choice.

“I’m taking this off after this.”

“Do you really want to go trick or treating in just your undies?” Eric teased.

“Shut up.”

“C’mon, Tommy. It’ll be so adorable! I bet your mommy will love it.”

“Oh, yeah! Be sure to send this one to her for sure.” Eric grinned from ear to ear. “Come on, Tommy! Show us your, what did Janet call it? Your roar face!”

“Hold up your paws like this.” Jake demonstrated.

“I know what to do.”

“Then do it.” Eric chuckled. Rolling his eyes, Tommy complied. Maybe he could try wiping off the face paint? He did his best roaring impression, groaning as it was met with laughs, like everything he did. Triumphantly, he ran a paw across his face, but looked down at it in confusion. None of the paint had come off.

“It’s tougher than that.” Janet said. “It only comes off with a special cleanser, so make sure the big boys bring you back here. Unless you wanna stay a tiger kitten forever!”

“Ooh, tempting.” Eric murmured to Tommy. “We’d better get going. There’s a lot of houses I want to cover.” He grabbed tightly onto Tommy’s hand. “And I’m sure the tiger kitten wants lots and lots of candy.” Tommy looked over his shoulder as Eric tugged him toward the door, silently praying that Janet would come to her senses and realize he was actually fourteen, like he had told her he was. She waved at him.

“Oh, wait.” She called suddenly.

“Hmm?” Eric looked back at her.

“I wanted to give you my number before I forget. In case your mom wants to call me when Tommy needs a babysitter.”

“Oh!” Eric grinned. “I bet once mom sees Tommy like this, she’ll agree that a babysitter’s a great idea for him.” He took the number from Janet, slipping it into his pocket. “Let’s go, buddy! I can’t wait to show everyone just what a cute little tiger kitten you are!”


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