Bobby Buddy

"C'mon, it'll be funny!" Rob said. That was what he always said. Bobby sighed.


"You know why." Rob held up his phone. "You just gotta do it for the Madagascar part and then we'll watch the movie in peace." Bobby sighed.

"How come you never do this stuff?"

"It's creepy when I do it. It's funny when you do." Bobby was about to ask why, but he knew the answer. All their lives as friends, Rob had been bigger than Bobby. To the point where he had started going by Bobby so people would stop saying Big Rob and Little Rob all the time. "Come on! Please? I'll... give you five bucks." Bobby considered it. He could always use money, but Mom and Dad still insisted on only giving him a meager allowance. Rob always seemed to have money.

"Fine." Bobby slid out of his chair and moved to the aisle just as the screen at the front of the theater showed the logo for the pre-movie dance party. It was a way for little kids to burn extra energy, but this movie wasn't some little kid movie!

"Remember, look like you're having fun!" Rob said, starting recording. Bobby rolled his eyes and began to dance as I Like to Move It started playing. It always felt long sitting there in the seat. They played the whole song, after all, but dancing along to it in the aisle, with everyone staring at him, it felt like he danced for half an hour before it finally ended.

"Wanna see?" Rob whispered. Bobby shook his head. It was embarrassing seeing the videos Rob made of him, let alone the comments. Plus, whenever he had asked Rob to show him the videos they made hanging out at Bobby's house, Rob would make him sit in his lap so they could both see! "Need a bathroom break during the previews?" Bobby shook his head again.

The movie was good, though not as good as the first. Bobby led the way out of the theater, feeling Rob's hand on his shoulder all the way until they reached the lobby.

"Oh, weren't we gonna make a video of you playing on the mall playground?" Rob nodded across the way to the plastic playground right inside the entrance to the mall. "We're here, right?"

"But you already have the one."

"It's good to have spares."

"You're at my house every night."

"Does that mean you want to do my 'undies on your head dance' idea?" Rob laughed at Bobby's face. "Come on. It'll be fun!"

"Doubt it." Bobby muttered, but Rob had already begun to drive him over to the plastic logs and bright yellow bus climbing frame. "So, what do I do?"

"Just play." Rob said. "And I'll record."

"What's the point?"

"You're twelve and you're playing on a little kid playground." Rob explained. "Same as always." Bobby could not find the flaw in that, so he stepped onto the carpeting. "Whoa!" Rob grabbed Bobby's wrist and pulled him over to a bench. "No shoes on the playground, bud. Didn't you see the sign?"

"Ugh" was all Bobby said as Rob sat him down on the little bench and pulled his Crocs off.

"I didn't even notice your penguin pirate t-shirt before." Rob lied. In truth, he always noticed Bobby's childish attire. He had secretly been behind Bobby's Mom going through his clothes and removing anything too big for him. With how small Bobby was, it did not make sense for him to be wearing clothes that suited his age over his size. Rob had that sort of influence over Bobby. After all, as far as Bobby was aware, Rob just hanged out with him every night. It was actually a boon for him after far too many years of babysitters. He finally just got to hang out with one of his best friends every night, which is why it was so important for him to behave and follow the rules. Little did he know, Rob was being paid. Sure, he was still Bobby's friend, but he was a bonafide babysitter.

"Yeah." Bobby said, looking down at it and his blue and white striped shorts.

"What else do we need to take off before you can play? Your shirt?" He playfully tugged up on Bobby's shirt, exposing the top bit of his underwear peeking over his shorts. It was great that Bobby's shorts, despite being so kiddy, were still a little big for him. Where Rob's waistband would say Hanes or Calvin Klein, Bobby's said Spider-Man.

"I can see your undies." Rob teased before fixing Bobby's t-shirt again.

"They're boxers." Bobby said out of reflex.

"C'mon dude. I do your laundry, remember? Haven't seen any boxers in there in a while." Bobby's mom had taken pity and left him a few pairs of boxer briefs but Rob, under the pretense of doing his laundry, had made underwear disappear until Bobby's drawer looked like Rob's had when he was in kindergarten - brightly colored underoos and nothing else. "Now why don't you go play? Told your mom we'd be back by 4, so you've got a little while."

"What? How long am I supposed to play?"

"I want to get a lot of footage that we can edit down." Rob said. "Course, you might get kicked out." He gave Bobby a nudging swat on his bottom. "Go on and I'll record."

"What do I even do?"

"Play! Go down that little slide, crawl through that log, do whatever."

"Do whatever." Bobby repeated.

"Yeah. You gotta remember what it was like to be a kid, right?" Bobby glared at him, but wandered onto the carpeted play area. "Don't be afraid to ham it up!" Rob called from the outside perimeter, holding his phone up. "Oh! And don't forget Mr. Snout!" He tossed the blue elephant to Bobby who caught it. It looked for all the world like a stuffed animal, but it actually had a zipper so that Bobby could keep all his money inside it. "It's tougher to lose than a wallet." Rob said after hearing from his parents that Bobby had lost his. "What? It helps the video." Rob remarked with a smile.

Bobby sighed and decided to do his best to play. He crawled through the log, went down the slide, and ran out of things to do.

"Go down with Mr. Snout on your lap." Rob called. "Then run over to the bus and climb inside. And... action!" Bobby did his best to follow the instructions. Rob had once explained to him that he was an actor and Rob was his director. He just wished the direction wasn't always something dorky and babyish.

He climbed into the yellow bus and looked to Rob. Rob wasn't even paying attention! He was talking to... to Grace Wilkins! She was in their class! Had she seen him? He looked down at his blue and white striped shorts and, worse, the penguin pirate prominently on his chest and belly. Could he hide in here until it was time to go? What if Rob planned to just keep talking to her until Bobby came to find him? He knew Rob had a crush on her, after all. Grace laughed, tucking a bit of shiny brown hair behind her ear, and Rob grinned.

"Great. Just great." Bobby muttered.

"Hey, cool. An elephant!" Bobby's head spun around and he glared at a brown-haired boy standing outside the bus, holding Mr. Snout.

"That's mine." Bobby said, climbing out of the bus. The boy sneered at him.

"Gonna have to catch me then." The boy immediately jetted off, leaving Bobby with no choice but to chase after him, bare feet slapping against the carpeted floor of the play area.

"Give it back!" Bobby said as the boy dodged around the log. He wished he sounded more authoritative. He glanced over at Markus, who was now sitting down, still chatting away with Grace. He growled. "Guess I'm on my own. Give it back. Now!"

"What's wrong? Can't catch me?" The boy took off again and Bobby had no choice but to run after him. If Dad -- or Rob -- found out he let some little kid take Mr. Snout, he would never hear the end of it. "Must be hard keeping up in a diaper!"

"What? That doesn't even make sense."

"Does too!"

"Just... just give it back." Bobby tried to put on a burst of speed, but the boy seemed to anticipate his every move, easily avoiding him. "Now!"

"Or what? You'll go tell your mommy or daddy?"

"No. I'll... I'll beat you up."

"You're a baby. I'm five."

"That's so much younger than me." Bobby muttered. "Give it back."

"Gonna cry?" The boy laughed. "That's what babies who bring plushies to the playground do."

"I am not a baby." He sighed. "Look, my name's Bobby. What's yours?"


"Markus, can you please give me that?"

"Nope." Bobby groaned and charged toward him, but Markus skillfully dove into the log.

"Ha! You're trapped now!"

"Am not." Bobby shrugged and sat down on the log. Once Markus came out, he would be ready. Markus, however, had other plans.

He peered out of the small knot window in the log, which Bobby had just so happened to sit right next to. All he had to do was wait for Bobby to relax and then he could sneak his hand out. It just barely fit, just enough for him to tickle the smaller boy's bare foot. Bobby squealed, completely taken by surprise. Markus cackled, launching himself out of the log. He had played here so many times, he knew it like the back of his hand.

"Give it!" Bobby whined as he chased fruitlessly after Markus. Markus grinned, but felt a twinge. This was fun, but it really did sound like Bobby might start crying. He stopped and turned toward Bobby.

"Stop!" He held up a hand. To his amusement, Bobby skidded to a halt. Good. "What's the elephant's name?"

"He doesn't have one."

"Fibber. He does so! What is it?"

"Mr. Snout."

"Aw, Mr. Snout. Do you miss..." he looked at the little boy. "What's your name again? Baby, right?"



"Bobby! God, little kids are so annoying!"

"Mr. Snout, do you miss baby Bobby?" He made the elephant nod. "Well, maybe you can go back to him. If he proves he's still a baby."

"Dude, just give me the elephant back." Bobby began to walk toward him, but every step he took, Markus took a step back. That might work. Could he maneuver him over to where Rob and Grace were? Did he want them to think he needed their help though? With a wicked grin, Markus took off running again as Bobby was distracted. He groaned and gave chase, trying to take whatever shortcuts he could to catch Markus. How was he so fast?

"Ask nicely!"

"Please" Bobby panted. "Please give me it."

"Nope." Markus giggled, but then stopped again. "I'll only do it if... if you crawl."

"What?" Markus nodded, liking the idea more and more by the minute.

"Yeah. You stay right there and I'll" he took three big steps backwards. "There. Crawl to me like a baby should."

"I'm not"

"I promise I'll give you Mr. Snout back if you do." Bobby sighed, checking to make sure Rob and Grace were not looking. He squatted down, shifting to his hands and knees. "Come on, baby Bobby!" Markus said, pretending to make the elephant talk. Bobby rolled his eyes and began to crawl as quickly as he could. Markus laughed. "Good baby!" He said as Bobby reached him. "Oh, nope. Don't stand up."

"What? I'm supposed to sit here? Give me my elephant back. Now."

"Not yet." Markus said, grinning as he dangled the plush toy just out of Bobby's reach. "You know what babies say when they want to get up?"

"What?" Bobby growled. Why was he putting up with this? By the time I get back up, he'll run off again.

"Uppies! Can you say uppies, baby?" Bobby glared and went to stand back up, only for Markus to push him back down. "Not until you say uppies.'

"Fine, uppies."

"Say it right."

"I don't know what that means!"

"You're a baby." Markus said. "Say it like a baby should."

"I don't"

"Do it or I'll tear off Mr. Snout's head." Bobby's eyes widened. That was so mean! Plus, what would Dad or Rob say if Mr. Snout lost his head? That had to be almost as bad as totally losing him. He whimpered, unsure of what to do. "Three, two"

"Bobby wants uppies!" He squealed at the top of his lungs, bouncing on his bottom as he reached desperately for Mr. Snout. Markus seemed taken aback, so Bobby seized his opportunity to get to his feet.

"Whoa." Markus said, handing Bobby Mr. Snout. "I thought maybe you might be my age, but you're really a baby, huh?" Bobby fumed.

"I am not a baby!" He snarled, knowing he looked very much like one in his matching outfit, hugging a stuffed elephant in the middle of a play area.

"Well, sure. It's not like you wear diapers like a baby." Markus said. Bobby glared at him. "Or do you?" Quick as a flash, he lunged and tugged down Bobby's shorts, exposing his Spider-Man briefs.


"Markus!" Both Grace and Rob were heading over, Bobby frozen in place from shock, his shorts pooled at his feet.

"What are you doing?" They said in unison.

"He pantsed me!" Bobby said at the same time as Markus launched into his own explanation. Wait, Markus was Grace's brother?

"Uh-huh. And why would he do that?"

"But you gotta believe me!" Bobby protested. Rob had one answer for that, a gentle swat on the smaller boy's underwear-clad bottom. For years, it had been his nonverbal way to remind Bobby to listen, the sort of thing that only made sense when you had been friends for as long as either of you could remember.

"All that matters is you were showing off Spidey to the whole mall, buddy." He pulled Bobby's shorts back up. "Now come on. Let's get socks and shoes on." He took Bobby's hand, but paused as if considering picking him up. Grace followed them over to the benches, holding Markus's hand. Bobby could see the resemblance now, but to have the little brother of his classmate bully him? Humiliating!

"Markus, I want you to apologize to Bobby."



"I'm sorry for taking your toy."

"That's better."

"And Bobby," Rob said. "What do you say to Markus?"


"Be polite."

"Uh, thank you for giving me my... my toy back." Rob and Grace both nodded approvingly.

"Alright, let's get your feet and hands wiped, Markus."

"What're you doing?" Rob asked.

"Oh! Uh, these play places are filthy and my mom's a doctor, so she tells us to always clean off hands and feet after Markus plays." She opened a package of baby wipes. "Do you want a couple?" Bobby's heart fell as Rob immediately took some and, kneeling down, began to wipe his feet. Bobby squirmed.

"Rob, come on."

"What? You want yucky feet?" He set to work. "Ew germs, right, Markus?" Markus nodded, but looked concerned as he saw Bobby's wiggling.

"You gotta sit still, Bobby." He said gently. "Be a big boy like me."

"Grace!" Bobby said, involuntarily kicking his leg as Rob went between his toes with the baby wipe. "Please tell Markus I'm in your class."

"Did you two have fun playing?" Grace asked.

"Yeah! Bobby's really fast."

"I saw you two running around a lot."

"Cuz he stole my elephant."

"I gave it back!"

As Markus and Bobby went back and forth, Grace and Rob simply smiled and got them ready to go. Before long, Bobby watched in relief as Markus left, rolling his eyes as the five year old waved good-bye.

"Let's go home." Rob said with a chuckle, helping Bobby to his feet.

* * *

"Again?" Bobby whined the moment they were in his house.

"I'm doing laundry, so yes, shirt and shorts. You were showing your underwear off at the mall, so why not play in it in your own house?"

"He pantsed me."

"Oh, really? You mean, like this?" Rob tugged down Bobby's shorts. Bobby glowered. "Your shirt and shorts are going in the wash, same as always. You can play for a bit."

"Ok..." Bobby flopped down on the couch in nothing but his underwear.

"Bobby. What's the rule?"

"I'm not even playing."

"But you're about to. So what's the rule?"

"Play on the floor." Bobby's parents had long had a 'no playing on the furniture' rule that was really meant to keep little boys like Bobby from jumping on the couch or crawling around like it was a jungle gym.

"Remember, we gotta prove to your mom and dad that we can follow the rules even when they're not here so they let us keep hanging out. Okay?"


"So?" Bobby sighed and slid down onto the floor. "That's more like it."

By the time Rob had the washer going, Bobby had gotten invested in his toys. Rob poked his head into the living room and was glad he had his phone in his hand as he saw Bobby, reclining on his tummy, playing with a farm set. When Rob had pulled it out of storage a week ago, Bobby had turned up his nose. Wasn't it for toddlers? Look who's playing with it now, Rob thought, sneaking a few photos.

Rob watched for a few more minutes before making his presence known. Bobby jumped in surprise, but did not stop playing.

"Laundry's in." He flopped down on the couch and looked down at Bobby playing. "Do you want to keep playing or should we get your bath out of the way?" Bobby made a noncommittal sound. "Don't be like that. You know your parents' rule is a bath every night now that you're becoming a teenager." He had to keep himself from laughing. When he skipped a shower, he stank. When Bobby skipped a bath, there was no BO. Not that Rob let him skip baths, at least not since he had surreptitiously replaced Bobby's body wash with Baby Soft, ensuring his skin stayed soft and he smelled like baby powder in the evenings. No wonder Markus had... he smiled. "Especially since you were playing on that germ-riddled playground!"

"Did you even" was all Rob heard before Bobby dropped his voice too low to hear.

"What was that?"


"It was really nice of you to humor Grace's little brother. She and I talked a lot with you distracting him."

"He was a bully" was what Rob thought Bobby said.

"You two ran around a lot. And what was that you were doing? Playing baby with him?" Bobby jumped to his feet indignantly.

"He took Mr. Snout and wouldn't give him back!"

"Come on. He was five. You had to be playing along."

"No! He... he..." Bobby frowned. "You gotta tell Grace."

"Tell Grace what? That you, her twelve year old classmate, were bullied by her baby brother?"

"Yes!" Rob looked Bobby up and down.

"Are you sure?"


"Well," he held up his phone. "How about you tell her yourself?"


"I'll record you telling your side of the story and send it to her. I got her number while you and Markus were chasing each other. You're an awesome wingman, dude."


"We can either record that or we can do your bath. Which do you want to do?"

"Bath." Bobby mumbled. Rob got to his feet at once.

"Alright. You know the drill. I'll fill up the tub with lots of bubbles and you'll take your big boy undies to your dirty hamper, put them in, and come to the bathroom to take your bath. Sound like a plan?" Bobby nodded, but Rob still made him repeat it to him. "Big boy undies." He corrected.

"Why do you always say that?"

"It's what they're called." Rob shrugged. "Spider-Man is like the best superhero, right?" Bobby nodded reluctantly. "And you are a big boy, right? You're older than me!" Rob laughed and patted Bobby on the head. "Let's go. The sooner you're clean, the sooner we can eat."

Bobby knew all too well that dilly-dallying would mean Rob would come track him down and give him a swat on the butt. Why did he do that? Bobby wondered. He had done it for years, sure, but it really stung now that his hand was so big. In his room, Bobby pulled down his underwear, half-expecting to see a red mark on his butt before realizing that that was silly. He doesn't even really spank me. He thought, depositing his underwear in the hamper.

"Miss my boxers." He had tried to ask Mom where they had went, but she did not seem to care if her son wore boxers or briefs. It had to be Rob, but Rob had only laughed when he had tried to hint at it. It was not the sort of thing you outright ask a guy when he's doing your chores for you. "Better get in there." Planting his hands firmly over his crotch, Bobby half-ran to the bathroom. He knew it was silly to be so weird about being naked in his own house, but Rob was there.

"Ready?" Rob asked, grinning at Bobby.

"Shuddup." Bobby mumbled.

"I did lots of bubbles." Rob said, nodding to the tub as if Bobby could not see it for himself.


"In the tub."

"I know."

"Don't be like that. We just have to make sure we're following the rules."

"I just..." Bobby felt vulnerable in more ways than one.

"What?" Rob sat down on the edge of the tub. Bobby squirmed, hands still over his groin.

"I just don't like that you let Markus"

"Buddy, if I had known"

"But you were talking to Grace!" Bobby's voice echoed in the bathroom, but it did not make him sound as indignant as he wished it would.

"Oh. Is that what this is about?" Bobby shrugged. "Don't worry! Grace is nice and cute and... all that, but you're still my Bobby buddy. You'll always be my Bobby buddy." He reached out and gave Bobby's shoulder a reassuring pat. "Now get in the tub and I'll go get started on dinner."

"Can you close the door?"

"You know I can't." Rob said, smiling sympathetically. Maybe he won't ask for once, Bobby thought as he climbed into the tub. "Oh! What's the bath list?" Bobby sighed.

"Arms, legs, front and back. Privates, butt"

"Weinie and bumbum."

"You know it better than me!"

"But I'm not bathing you. Am I?"


"Good. Make sure you get all over." Rob left Bobby to it.

He headed to the kitchen, put dinner in the oven, and then headed to the laundry. He really did not mind doing things around Bobby's house. Bobby's parents were basically a second set of parents and it felt good to help them out. Somehow, it made sense that he should do more than Bobby. They were paying him after all and Bobby? Well, he was different. It was easier to just let him play while Rob handled things.

"If he wants to help, he'll ask." Rob smiled, imagining tousling Bobby's hair and telling him he can be his extra special helper. His brow furrowed slightly. Bobby was his age, older than him by a few months even, but somehow. That never made sense. He was twelve, Bobby was... "he's still bossed around by kindergarteners." He laughed. Grace had said Markus was... what was the word she had used? Opinionated. Still, the way Bobby had given in and obeyed Markus. It was interesting.

By the time Bobby's laundry was in the dryer and Markus had checked on dinner, his mind was made up. He had been meaning to tell Bobby the truth for a while now, but had always talked himself out of it. Their system worked. It did not need Bobby to know. But now that... he dismissed the thought as he realized that Bobby had been in the tub for quite a while!

"Geez! Did you grow gills and fins?" Rob asked as he walked into the bathroom. He held out the towel and Bobby took it, seemingly embarrassed. Wasn't he always? "Were you busy playing with the bubbles you claim you don't like?"

"No." Bobby muttered. Back when he had a babysitter, they would hardly check on him. He would take a bath, get dressed in his pajamas, and then go watch TV. Rob seemed to be everywhere. He told himself it was because they were friends, but it was still weird, in a way he could not quite explain.

"Well, dinner's almost ready. Go put on your nightie."

"It's a sleep shirt."

"Nightie." Rob replied, smirking. Bobby used to have a mix of pajama sets and some oversized shirts that he switched between, but as master of the laundry, Rob had gotten rid of the pajamas and left him only with his nighties. At least until the colder months. "Go put it on. Dinner's almost on the table." Bobby hurried off, dragging the oversized towel behind him.

Dinner passed uneventfully and they were soon winding down for the night. Bobby lounged on the living room floor, playing with toys, as Rob folded his laundry. Rob loved nothing more than holding up the most babyish garments from Bobby's laundry and asking him if they were his.

"Whose big boy undies are these?" He asked, holding up a brightly colored pair of briefs.

"Mine. Like the last three pairs."

"Your mom should start labeling these. In big block letters." Bobby rolled his eyes. "Whoa." Rob pulled out a tank top with a grinning blue stegosaurus on it. "Dino-mite!" He read. "When'd you wear this?"

"Oh. when Dad and I went to the museum. I think you were busy."

"And you wore this?"

"Mom." That was all Bobby needed to say. His mom still set out his clothes more often than not.

"Well, you can wear it on Saturday."

"What's Saturday?"

"The day after Friday."


"It was supposed to be a surprise, but" he grinned as if he was about to reveal the most exciting thing ever. "Grace and I thought it would be fun for you and Markus to play at his house."

"What!?" Bobby was on his feet. "What? You're joking."


"He's a bully! And he's... he's five!"

"I need someone to keep him distracted while Grace and I hang out."

"No! No way!"

"You're my wingman." Rob said.

"But... that's not what a wingman does!" Rob shrugged and made a show of shaking out the last pair of shorts before folding them and adding them to his tidy pile.

"Well, you're doing it. It'll be in the backyard unless it rains. Markus has a playground."

"I am not." As far as Bobby was concerned, that was it.

"You are."

"Why, just so you can make fun of me?"

"I would never. We're best friends. I tease you sometimes, cuz that's what friends do."


"Well, a friend would also help his friend out by playing with Markus."


"Look, I don't want to play this card, but you're doing it. Because I said so."

"So?" Bobby scoffed.

"You're a little boy. Markus accepted it right away. Why can't you?" He walked over and kneeled down by Bobby.

"I am not."

"I mean, sure we're in the same grade, but it's no secret that you're still a little kid. Whenever we go to McDonald's, we all get like Big Macs and you still get a Happy Meal." He chuckled and rubbed the little guy's back. "And I mean, you know." He gestured around. "I babysit you."

"You do not!"

"Dude, really? I thought you knew."

"You don't!" Even as he said it, Bobby wondered if that was where all of Rob's cash came from. No, it couldn't be.

"I walk you home from school."

"And we hang out."

"I make you dinner."

"So? You eat it too."

"C'mon, that doesn't even make sense. Then what happens after dinner?"

"I dunno."

"Sure you do!"

"I... brush my teeth and go to bed?"

"Yep. And who makes sure you do that on time?" He stared at him, recognition dawning. "Yep. We're best friends, man, but I'm also your babysitter."


"But what?"

"That doesn't make me some little kid! We're in the same grade!"

"We are and like I said, we're best friends." He gave his back another rub. "but I'm also your babysitter. That means I'm in charge, understand?" He was beginning to pout. Just like a little boy, he thought, reaching down and lifting his chin so their eyes met. "Which makes you a little boy and little boys need to do what they're told."

"I'm not."

"You are." Rob said gently.

"I'm twelve."

"Yeah, at school, sure. But here? At home? At the mall? You're not."

"Am too."

"Bobby, come on."

"I'm not a baby."

"I didn't say you are!" Rob rubbed his back once again. "I would say... given how Markus treated you and how you act" Bobby whimpered. "Shh, I'd say you're four."


"Shh, not so loud. Yes, Bobby. You're four years old. You still need a babysitter, but you can also play with a big boy like Markus."

"I'm not four."

"Well, you just turned four." Rob said with a chuckle. "Yeah, I think that's perfect for you."

"I'm twelve!"

"At school."

"No, everywhere!"

"I think you're just getting sleepy, so you're being a little unreasonable. It'll make more sense in the morning." Rob stood and grabbed the basket of clean laundry. "Come on. Bedtime."

"Is not!" Bobby pointed to the clock on the mantle. "See? 7:05."

"You know I can't read those old fashioned clocks." Rob replied. "And I know for a fact it's 7:30, Bobby's bedtime."

"That clock says right there"

"Maybe it's slow." Rob shrugged. "Besides, even if it is, you're not actually in bed yet, right?" He smiled and gave Bobby a nudge. "Go or it'll be another swat."


"No buts. Little boys need their sleep."

"I am not" the swat landed hard on his rump. Bobby jumped and nearly knocked the basket out of Rob's hands.

"Bobby." He said calmly. "I am your babysitter. You are an overly tired four year old who wants to feel like he's in control. Pout all you want, it's true. Now, lead the way to your bedroom or I'll treat you like a baby. Is that what you want? A baby bedtime? Bottles at dinner? No more big boy undies because you're back in diapers?" Bobby stared up at him, his face different than it had been before. The defiance was still there, but it was fading, realization taking its place. Was he coming to terms with the fact that Rob was in control, had been in control? Did he understand that Rob had been babysitting him, without him even knowing it, for months now? Rob doubted he would ever fully comprehend the depth of it, yearned to tell him just how many small ways he had nudged Bobby along, helped him accept being babysat by his best friend. Later. Maybe. Maybe never. "So, ready for bed?"

They headed to Bobby's room, Rob with his basket of laundry, Bobby fussing with the hem of his nightie. Bobby stood by his bed as Rob put the laundry away.

"Big boy undies here. Nighties here." He narrated, hoping Bobby would stay right where he was, just out of reach. "Shorts here. T-shirts here." He closed the drawer and spun, scooping Bobby up and plopping him down on his bed. "Little boy here!" He gave Bobby's tummy a tickle and smiled in relief as he laughed. The tension seemed to be gone now. He pulled the blanket up to Bobby's chin, smiling tenderly down at him. He wanted to kiss his forehead, but maybe not yet.

"Am I really" Bobby's voice was small. "Gonna have to play with Markus?"

"Mhm." Rob murmured. "But that's not until next weekend." He smiled and brushed a bit of hair out of Bobby's eyes. "You'll see. It'll be fun." Bobby only grunted. Rob walked away, turning out the lights. He could not be sure, but he thought he heard Bobby murmur something sleepily.

"I'm not really four. Am I?"


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