Bobby Buddy: Study Buddies

"Remember, Bobby.” Rob said as they neared Bobby's house. “As soon as we're home, how old are you?"

"...four." Bobby mumbled after a pause.

"You had to be a big boy all day! I bet you're excited to get home and be yourself."

"What if I just stay on the steps?"


"Well, once I go inside, you make me be four. So I'm just going to-" Rob picked him up.

"That's just silly. We need to get you inside and into your nightie so you can start on homework, remember?" He carried Bobby inside, kicking his own shoes off before undoing the Velcro on Bobby's and dropping them by his. He smiled as one bounced and landed in his shoe, making a striking point about the difference in size.

Carrying Bobby was remarkably easy unless he squirmed. It had taken a bit of training to get him to stop doing that, which had translated into Rob carrying him near-constantly, kissing his cheeks and murmuring into his ear nonstop about what a little boy he was. Even Bobby's parents had hardly blinked.

“Didn't realize just how different in size you two are until now.” Bobby's dad had remarked. Rob had smiled politely and waited for him to leave before cooing into Bobby's ear that even his daddy knew he was a little Bobby buddy boy.

Bobby's age had occupied Rob's thoughts more often than not from the moment it was decided that he would be more of a babysitter to the little guy. Almost immediately, he had gone from twelve to the single digits and then Rob started ‘kiddifying’ his wardrobe. For a while, he had thought of Bobby as seven, maybe eight, but he had come over to find Bobby eating breakfast in nothing but his underwear and no self-respecting third grader would want to be seen in Scooby-Doo underoos! That had gotten him demoted to kindergartener, where he had secretly stayed in Rob's mind until Grace's brother Markus had shown him that Bobby was undeniably, obviously a very young four.

Bobby did not touch the floor again until they reached his bedroom, another area of focus for Rob's gradual babying of him. Up until fifth grade, Bobby's bed had had colorful construction truck sheets, pillowcases, and a matching comforter. When Rob had discovered the full set still in the back of the linen closet,they had gone back on. Bobby was not sure where the bed rails had come from, but they were there too, transforming his bed completely into a toddler's.

"Do I really have to put on my" he forced himself to say the word. "Nightie?"

"Yes, you do." Rob said. "What's the schedule?"

"Homework, dinner, bed." He jumped as Rob gave his bottom a swat.

"Let's turn off surly school Bobby and get happy, four year old Bobby." He said. "Where's the Bobby who dances?" Bobby groaned. The revelation that Rob had made him make all those videos just to ease him into behaving like a four year old had especially stung. "Can you get undressed for me?" He smirked. “Or do we need to call Markus?”

“Quit!” Bobby growled. Rob made that joke every single day. He winced as Rob swatted his bottom.

“One more outburst like that and it'll be a timeout.” Rob said sternly. “I know it's tough to pretend to be big all day long, but we're home now.” Bobby could tell Rob was not in the mood to hear him argue. “Arms up.”

“I can do it myself.” Bobby said, stripping down to his Spider-Man briefs in record time. He wondered if Rob knew they were the same pair he had worn when he had met Markus. Probably. He thought sullenly.

“That's so much better. There's my Bobby buddy!” Rob's sudden shift in attitude was almost frightening, but it did make Bobby feel better to know that he had made his best friend happy. Are we even still best friends? Sometimes it feels like he's my babysitter. Though it was a thought he had had more than once, he pushed it away. That was ridiculous. Babysitters were older than you, not the same age. “Give me a Spidey pose and then we'll lose the undies too.” He smiled as Bobby bent over, balancing on one hand and spread-out legs as he made the webslinging gesture with his other. “Adorable!” Rob said. “Who's my Spider-Baby?”

“Me,” Bobby mumbled, trying to figure out if Rob had said Spider-Baby or Spider-Bobby. He had for sure said Spider-Bobby that morning, so maybe he had just misheard.

“Alright, Spidey undies off. This is your house, after all!” Rob chuckled. Bobby blushed. He had occasionally walked around the house in a t-shirt and boxers before Rob started whatever it was he was doing, but walking around fully naked, especially with Rob there, never stopped being embarrassing. Rob never seemed to understand why when he brought it up. They had both changed in front of each other a million times, even before Rob had demoted Bobby to four years old.

“Alright,” Rob clapped his hands. “What do we need to get on your butt, Bobby?”

“We both know.”

“Hey.” Rob grinned as if they were once again just two friends hanging out. “Don't get all sour again.” Bobby sighed.

“My nightie and a diaper.” He said. Rob nodded eagerly. He could not decide what he liked better about Bobby wearing an oversized (for him) t-shirt to bed every night: the way it slid off his slender shoulder sometimes or that the shirts were still just short enough to give peeks of his Pull-ups when he wasn't careful.

“Buzz Lightyear!” Rob announced as he pulled one of the Pull-ups out of Bobby's underwear drawer. It never stopped delighting him that Bobby could actually wear bonafide toddler nighttime Pull-ups. Goodnites would not have been the end of the world, but knowing that Bobby had seen the words 'potty training pants’ on the package made it all the easier to justify getting him to call them his diapers. “Were you wet or dry this morning?” Bobby's mouth opened and closed. He had never had a wet morning, except the one time he had peed the Pull-ups as an act of defiance while waiting for Rob to pick out his underwear one morning.

“Dry.” He said, shuddering as he remembered just how cloyingly sweet Rob had been about his four year old oopsie in his diaper. Had that moment of rebellion got him stuck in them permanently?

“Good! But remember, almost a third of four year olds wet the bed, so you need to wear your diaper.” Bobby nodded impatiently. Rob relented and held out the Pull-ups for him to step into. “Attaboy. Now for your nightie!”

The nightie of the day had an orange and blue Stegosaurus under bubble letters that read Bobbysaurus. Bobby had a smaller one as well for daytime wear, but the nightie version was one of Rob's favorites to dress him in.

Bobby stood awkwardly by his bed in his Pull-ups and oversized t-shirt as Rob changed out of his school clothes. He stared covetously at Rob's gray boxer briefs, unfathomably mature to a boy who had had cute cartoons on his underwear for the last few months. Rob stretched in his sweatpants and hoodie before grinning at Bobby.

“You really are adorable, Bobby buddy.” He said, coming over and playing with Bobby's hair. “You're getting a little shaggy. Think it's time for a haircut?” Bobby's shoulders rose and fell. “Hmm.” Before Rob could say anything more, his phone chirped. “Oh! Grace is on her way.”

“Grace?” Bobby felt a stab of panic. A surprise playdate with Markus the bully seemed like something Rob would pull.

“Just Grace. Well, Jackson and Pat are coming a little later. We've got a project for World History we're working on.”

“What? You can't… you can't let them see me like this!”

“It's not like you're naked.” Rob said. “Oh, no! Now everyone will know Bobby sleeps.”

“That's not what I mean.”

“Well, the plan's already been made.” Rob picked up Bobby. “Since you're not in the class, I didn't think I needed your permission.”

“But it's my house!” Bobby protested, but Rob chose not to engage, heading downstairs and setting Bobby up for homework.

“Not much today.” Rob said. “You know what that means!” He took the grouchy boy's arms and waved them above his head. “Lots of playtime for Bobby Buddy!”

Bobby had figured out quickly that racing through his homework did not show Rob he was a mature, smart twelve year old. It just made him look like he was eager to play with his toddler toys. Try as he might though, there was only so much delaying you could do without it being obvious. By the time Grace arrived, Bobby was sitting on the floor with his farm toys. She came in and chatted with Rob. Bobby noticed that they both seemed a bit like they wanted to kiss, but too afraid to be the one to lean in. He made a face and sent the cow into the barn.

“Hi there, Bobby!” Grace said, sitting down on the couch right in front of him, as if to make sure he could never forget that she was in his house.

“Hi.” Bobby said.

“Sorry, he's a little grouchy today.” Rob said.

“I know what'll make him feel better! Presents!” She patted a couple bags by her legs. Presents? What could she possibly have brought him? “Oh, looks like he's curious.” She gave a little shrug. “It's just a few of Markus's old things.”


“He's still grateful for them.” Rob said, giving Bobby a knowing look. “I've been having a tough time finding things that help Bobby remember the new way of things. Getting a bunch of handmedowns from a big boy like Markus will help.”


"Markus really is growing up so fast! I miss when he was a little cutie like Bobby. Just playing with toys, no worries about being big."

"What?" Bobby exclaimed. This was going too far! When it was just Rob, he could pretend it was just a game, but the way Grace was talking, they really thought he was a little kid! "I was the only one in Mr. McNeil's class to-"

“It's rude to interrupt, Bobby buddy.” Rob said. “Apologize.”



“I'm sorry for interrupting.”

“And what else did you do?” Rob asked.


“You contradicted Grace, didn't you?”


“You were about to say you're bigger than Markus and we all know that isn't true, is it?”


“Bobby.” Rob shook his head. “Tell Grace how old you are.” He knew Grace knew, but he still pouted over it before finally answering.

“I'm four.”

“Now, since you're bored of your toys, how about you show Grace the new song and dance we're working on?” Taking the hint, Bobby began to play with the little plastic barnyard animals, but Rob got to his feet. “Up you come!” He lifted Bobby by the arms and there was no doubt that Grace saw his blue Pull-ups even as Bobby tugged down on his nightie. “Do you remember all the words?”

“What song is it?” Grace asked.

“Five Little Monkeys! You must know that one, right?”

“I do.” Grace said. Bobby waited for her to say it used to be Markus's favorite. “Actually, I have the perfect shirt in those hand-me-downs I brought.” She dug into the bag by her feet. “Tada!” She held up a light blue shirt with Curious George's face on it. “It says go bananas! Isn't that fun, Bobby?”

“Let's try it on.” Rob said. Before Bobby even knew what was happening, his nightie was up over his head and he found himself standing in front of Grace in nothing but his Pull-ups.


“Your nightie will go back on soon. This is just for trying on.” Rob said, taking the shirt from Grace. He looked at the tag. “Oh, that should fit. Arms up, Bobby buddy!”

“It fits!” Grace said, smiling as Bobby tried in vain to pull the perfectly fitting t-shirt down over Buzz Lightyear.

“Perfect. Showtime!”


“You were gonna sing for us, remember?” Bobby glared at Grace.

“I need… pants or something.’

“Why?” Rob asked. “Grace has a brother. She's seen it all.”

“But you're gonna record this, right?”

“Just for us.” Rob said. “I promise I won't post your diaper tush online.” He held up his phone. “And make sure you show Grace the whole dance too.”

“Of course.” Bobby muttered under his breath. “Do I have to?”

“Yes.” Rob said.

“Five little monkeys” Bobby sang, hopping from one foot to the other, his hands tickling under his arms. “Jumping on the bed!” He bounced up and down. His nightie probably would not have covered his diaper, he knew, but having it fully exposed the whole time was worse. “One fell off and bumped his head.” He rubbed his head. “Mommy called the doctor and the doctor said.” This was the worst part, but he knew Rob would just make him do it over again. He spun around so his back was to the pair. “No more monkeys jumping on the bed!” He said, waggling his butt to and fro.

In the version Rob had shown him, he just had to wag a finger, but Rob improvised and said it was cuter to waggle his butt, so that was what Bobby had to do. He hoped Rob would hold true to his word and not post this as he spun around and launched into the next verse.

“Four little monkeys jump-”

“That's enough, buddy.” Rob said. “We should look at what else of Markus's there is for you before everyone else gets here!”

“There are more people coming?”

“I told you that already.” Rob said. “But if we get through all these clothes, you can have your nightie back on before they come, okay?”

“I don't think either Jackson or Pat would care about a four year old in his diaper though.” Grace observed. “Pat's got like five little siblings, I think.”

“They both know I’m not four!”

“Oh, come on, Bobby.” Rob said. “They've seen you. They know you're a little boy.” He picked up one of the shirts out of Grace's bag. “Oh, wow! Look how cool this is, Bobby!”

For the next twenty minutes, Bobby went from Rob to Grace and back to Rob, getting undressed and dressed over and over. If he whined or tried to do anything for himself, whoever he stood in front of gently swatted his bottom and told him to be a good little boy. Most everything fit, though there were one or two shirts that didn't.

“Markus just outgrew this, so it makes sense it's a little big for Bobby.” Grace said.

“Something to grow into.” Rob said. Bobby frowned, less than thrilled he would have to grow into a t-shirt that said ‘holy cow, I'm cute!’ on it. “What's that?” Rob asked, seeing Grace holding a roughly rectangular piece of fabric.

"My mom heard I was bringing things to a little boy, so she tossed them in. Does Bobby wear bibs still?"


"He can start." Rob said with an air of finality. Seeing Bobby's typical glare, he shrugged as if the decision was out of his hands. “Remember last summer? You got ice cream all over your shirt.” He looked at Grace. “He had to take his shirt off and they almost didn't let us on the bus home.”

“It melted! It was so hot.”

“My shirt was fine.” Rob loved how, even in that childish situation, that Bobby was infinitely more mature than the toddler before him. When we go to the pier this summer, I'm gonna put him in a highchair and feed him ice cream myself. He could already almost see the photo of an indignant Bobby in a bib, chocolate ice cream all over his face.

“So that's a yes to the bibs.” Grace said with a decisive nod. “There's just one last thing.”

“And that is?” Rob asked with a smirk.

“Well, I heard you mention that Bobby wears nighties and I should've known you meant nightshirts.” She slapped her forehead. “Hello, Gwen! But, well, I had some old-” she reached into the bag and pulled out a soft yellow nightgown with white lace around the collar.

“No way.” Bobby backed away instinctively, but he ended up in Rob's clutches.

“Oh, you are definitely trying that on, Bobby buddy!” Bobby squirmed and tried to pull free as Rob got his shirt off. Grace tossed him the nightgown and Bobby seized his chance to break free, but only ended up with the nightgown landing on his head.

“Get this off me!” He clawed at it, only managing to get it off his head as Rob gathered it in his hands and forced it down over Bobby's body. “No! Stop!”

“We're just trying it on, baby.” Rob's words were muffled by the fabric as it slithered down Bobby's body.

“It's for girls!”

“It's not any different from your nighties, except it's a bit longer.” Rob said, buttoning the pearl buttons. “You can't flash your diaper unless you do a somersault. You must like that!”

“Oh, he's adorable.” Grace cooed.

“I think it'll be good for colder nights.” Rob said.


“Hush, Bobby. It's just for bedtime, so no one will see.”

“I'll see if I can find any others and give them to you on Saturday.” Grace said.

“Is that everything?”

“I think so.” Bobby thought his torment was over, but Rob pulled him into his lap, still wearing the nightgown.

“Bobby. What do you say?” Rob leaned in and fed Bobby his lines.

“Thank you, Grace, for my new t-shirts, bibs, and this nice new nightgown.” Bobby parroted.

“Good boy.” Rob cooed, kissing his cheek. “Ready to take this off and put your Bobbysaurus nightie back on?”

“Yes, please.” Bobby said.

Once Pat and Garrett arrived, Bobby hoped he would be out of the spotlight. Rob made him say hello to the both of them and he could not understand why they took it in stride that he was wearing nothing but an oversized shirt and playing with toddler toys. He had classes with both of them! Garrett sat right next to him in Mr. McNeil's class!

“We'll set up shop at the table in the dining room.” Rob said, taking charge. “I still gotta feed Bobby dinner, but once he goes to bed, we'll be able to spread out.”

“What time's that gonna be? I gotta get home to say good night to Markus.” Grace said.

“What time do you need to leave?”

“Oh, a little before 8:30.”

“Not a problem.” Rob said. "Bobby's bedtime is 7.” Bobby looked up at Rob, betrayed. Only then did it really sink in that everyone was sitting on furniture except for him. “But first, are you hungry, Bobby?”

“Yes.” Bobby said softly. Rob smiled.

“How hungry are you?”

“So hungry.” Bobby replied. They went through this practically every night, so of course Rob would not skip it when he had an audience.

“Alright, I'm gonna get some food going for Bobby. Bobby, can you be a big boy and show everyone where the dining room table is?” Bobby looked from Rob to his classmates, but they were all taking it in stride that this was how Rob talked to him. I'm not four though!

“Let's clean up your toys real quick.” Grace said. “Pat's pretty clumsy.”


“Well, it's true. Do you really want to trip and break Bobby's cool barn?” Grace sat down on the floor, but rather than move as quickly as she had said, she held up each cutesy little animal and quizzed Bobby on what sounds they make.

“What sound does the piggy make?” Bobby glared at her, but he knew she would not let him get away with not making the animal sounds.

“Oink, oink.” He said. She smiled and put the pig away.

“What about the cow?”


“What about the chicken?”


“Actually, isn't that a rooster?” Bobby looked at Garrett, betrayed. He smiled. “Do you know what sound a rooster makes?”

“Cock a doodle doo!”

“Oh, that was good!” Grace praised. “How about a horsie?”

“Neigh.” Finally, everything was put away and Bobby led his classmates over to the dining room table.

“I know where Bobby goes!” Grace said, picking him up and depositing him in the waiting booster seat. He shifted, but he could not manage to get his nightie back down over his Pull-ups. He pushed down on the shirt between his legs. Maybe Garrett and Pat had not noticed?

“Do you have any homework?” Grace asked, her tone making it sound like a toddler with homework was pretty silly. Bobby wished he still did.

“No, Rob- I did it all already.”

“Very responsible.” Grace praised. “Guess you can color while we work on our stuff.”

Bobby did not know if Rob had planned it or not, but he was soon set to work coloring in a smiling cartoon cow with crayons as the study group got to work discussing their project.

“At least it's not finger paint.” He murmured to himself, hoping no one would go in the kitchen to see his finger paint picture on the fridge. They probably had seen the video Rob had posted of Bobby in nothing but his underwear finger painting last weekend, though if they brought it up, he would make it very clear that Rob had dotted his nose with the paint and smeared it on his chest and hands before starting to record, just to make him look more like a messy toddler artist. Or the rainbow slime!

Bobby put the crayon down as suddenly, he wondered why he was sitting here, coloring peacefully. This was his house! Checking to make sure no one was looking at him, he slid down off of the booster seat, landing with a thump. Before he could even fix his nightie, Grace's head whipped around.

“Where you going, buddy?”

“Uh” he couldn't think of a lie as Grace grabbed him and returned him to the booster.

“Look, here comes dindins!”

“Can you get his bib, Grace?” Rob asked.

“Sure can!” Grace practically skipped off as Rob sat down next to Bobby, rubbing his back.

“Where were you off to?”


“Ok.” Rob murmured into his ear, matching Bobby's volume. “But if you need to go potty, tell me, okie dokie?”

“It wasn't that.” Bobby said, but Grace returned with the bib.

“I think this one's on theme.” She handed it to Rob and Bobby saw it had a smiling triceratops on it.

“Is there one for Garrett?” Pat chortled, but glanced at Rob to get a hint if it was okay to joke like that.

“They'd be too small for him.” Rob said with a chuckle. “They're just for little Bobby.”

“I'm the oldest one here!” Bobby objected. Rob's finger was to Bobby's lips in an instant.

“Uh-oh! That was your outside voice, Bobby.” Rob looked around the room. “Can we remind Bobby what voice he should be using?” Bobby's heart fell as Grace, Pat, and Garrett all smiled at him.

“Inside voice, Bobby.” They chorused. Had they rehearsed that? How had they all known to say it just like that?

“Ok, how about you eat up?” Rob said, giving Bobby a squeeze. “Hungry Bobby gets a little fussy.”

“Isn't everyone else gonna eat?”

“Later.” Rob said. “All these smiley fries and fish sticks are just for you!” He kissed the top of Bobby's head. “Now no more talking. It's rude to talk with your mouth full and you need to eat.” Rob turned away, though his arm remained on the back of Bobby's seat.

Bobby began to eat, figuring it would not do him any good to let the food get cold. He listened to Rob and them discuss their project. It was hard to feel included when he had no idea what their project was even about. He watched them cautiously, only taking drinks out of his sippy cup when he was certain no one was paying attention. Rob had somehow brainwashed them all into thinking he was four. Maybe Grace had a hand in it!

“Did you hear Grayson and Emmie broke up?” Garrett said, looking around to make sure everyone knew about his juicy gossip.

“Oh!” Bobby chimed in. “I actually saw them break up!”

“Don't get distracted, buddy.” Rob said, swooping in and grabbing a carrot, which he pushed into Bobby's mouth. “You gotta finish your dinner!” Bobby tried to explain that he had important details, but all Rob seemed to care about, even after the conversation moved on to Coach Sullivan's horrible magenta shorts, was keeping him quietly eating.

Every time Bobby swallowed, Rob had another piece of food ready for him. He hardly even looked at Bobby, automatically grabbing food and pushing it in the general direction of his mouth. That meant Bobby had to focus and make sure it got to his mouth rather than ramming into his cheeks.

Well, Bobby thought, if he's not even gonna pay attention. A brief respite in the food coming toward him was all he needed to reach behind his neck and undo the bib. It fell down onto his lap. He kept eating, relishing his victory as he pushed the bib off of his lap and onto the wood floor.

He laughed a bit as Rob's hand felt around the empty plate before he finally looked away from his friends. He smiled at Bobby.

“You ate it all!” He said, his voice changing from the conversational tone he had had with his friends. Bobby squirmed a bit, realizing just how little Rob saw him as an equal. He really did think of him as a little boy! “Finish your milk.” He directed, holding the sippy cup to Bobby's lips. He took hold of the handle and Rob turned away again.

“Maybe we should ask if we all have to talk for the presentation.” Rob said and Bobby realized he had been ignoring them just as much as they had been ignoring him. Like we're in two different worlds. He drank his milk and pondered how he could convince them he was still their peer without making it seem like he was a little kid. He grew frustrated as he realized he had no idea how to do that.

“Alright,” Rob said, slapping his hands on the table and startling Bobby out of his thoughts. “Garrett and Pat, get started on the outline real quick. Grace, order the pizzas, and Bobby” he smiled down at his little buddy. “What time is it?”

“No.” Bobby said.

“Yes, buddy.”

“No. It isn't fair. You guys haven't even eaten yet.”

"But you had your dinner.”

“Rob, no. I am not going to bed. Not when there are people over.”

“Bobby. You don't get to throw a tantrum just because you have an audience.”

“Seriously. You all know me. I can see you avoiding looking at me! Tell Rob he's being ridiculous!” Rob sighed and picked Bobby up. Setting him against his shoulder, he gave him a few swats right on his exposed Pull-ups.

“You're just tired.”

“I am not! This is… this is crazy! You can't treat me like some little kid just… just cuz!”

“It's not just cuz.” Rob said, his lips right by Bobby's ear. “It's what's best for you. Your Mom and Dad agree. Everyone agrees.”

“But…” He tried to push himself off of Rob's shoulder, but he held him tightly in place. “But it's embarrassing.”

“What's embarrassing? Did Grace, Garrett, or Pat tease you? No, they were nice. Weren't they?” Rob began to head for the stairs. “Be back soon, guys.” He said, turning slightly to look back at his friends.

“Rob! No!” Bobby protested, kicking and wiggling.

“Careful. I don't want to drop you on the stairs.” Bobby tried to hold still for a moment before realizing that that was not the way to get what he wanted.

“Let me go!” He yelled, his voice echoing in the stairwell.

“Bobby.” Rob said. “You're being naughty.”

“I'm sick and tired of this! I'm tired of being treated like a baby and getting hand me downs from some little ass-” Rob's hand covered Bobby's mouth.

“That is enough.” His voice radiated calm, but Bobby could tell he was mad.

“But” Bobby said into Rob's hand. “I…” he sniffled as he felt so helpless, tears began to well up in his eyes.

“Look.” Rob carried Bobby into the bathroom and sat down on the closed toilet, still holding Bobby against him. “I know this is tough. You have to get used to a lot of new things and maybe having people over wasn't the smartest move on my part. But acting like you're two isn't going to solve anything. You want so hard to be seen as a big boy and that's causing big feelings. I get that. But you can't throw tantrums whenever you don't get your way.”

“I'm not.”

“Shh. I know things are tough right now and that's a lot going on, but think of it this way. The school year's almost over and then you won't have to worry about pretending to be big anymore. You'll get to be a happy four year old all day long.”

“I don't want to be four, Rob.” Bobby said, trying to whine as little as possible. Rob chuckled.

“Silly, it's not like we can just snap our fingers and change your age.”

“But… you…”

“Let's get your teeth brushed. Can you do that for me?”

Rob left Bobby sitting on the toilet lid while he got his toothbrush ready. He had bought a special toothbrush with a molded grip that fit Bobby's hand perfectly. He put a pea of toothpaste on it.

“Let's see those pearly whites.” Rob said. Bobby gritted his teeth and Rob nodded. “Alright, you still got teeth, so let's get them brushed.” He handed Bobby the toothbrush. “Don't start until the timer's going.” One of Bobby's acts of rebellion had been to keep brushing his teeth to delay bedtime. He had gone for at least ten minutes before Rob intervened, telling him overbrushing was bad for his teeth. Bobby thought that was ridiculous. If brushing was bad, why would the dentist tell him it's important to brush every day?

With Bobby's breath now minty fresh, he did a last chance potty break and then they moved to Bobby's bedroom. Rob held Bobby against his shoulder as he pulled back the blankets and gently set Bobby in bed.

“Bobby's got clean teeth.” He whispered. “Bobby's got his nightie. Bobby's got his diaper.” He nodded. “All that's left is your bedtime story.”

“Which one?” Bobby asked with an annoyed sigh as Rob pulled the construction themed covers up to his chin. At least he had finally given up insisting he did not need a bedtime story every night.

“Since you're wearing your bobbysaurus nightie, I thought we'd read this tonight.”

“Not Ten Little Dinosaurs!” Bobby whined the moment he saw the book. It barely even counted as a book!

“Shh, you're supposed to be powering down for the night. It's late for little Bobby.”

“It's like seven.”

“Which is the time you've gone to bed every night this month.” Rob replied. “And we have this conversation every night.” He patted the book in his lap. “But let's give you a choice. We stay up here and read this or we go downstairs and you do Snuggleby Baby for everyone.”

“No.” Bobby grunted. That book was just a cloying lullaby masquerading as a book.

“Then tell me which one you want to read.”

“Ten Little Dinosaurs.”

“Sure doesn't sound like you want to read it.”

“Ten Little Dinosaurs. Please.” Rob kissed Bobby's forehead and opened the book.

“What's this one?” He pointed at the cartoon representation.

“Triceratops.” Bobby said dutifully. Rob began to half-sing the words on the page.

“One little, two little, three little dinosaurs. Four little, five little, six little dinosaurs. Seven little, eight little, nine little dinosaurs. Ten little dino babies.” The book continued with Bobby naming Stegosaurus, Pterodactyl, and Brontosaurus. Each time, Rob sang the little song in a soothing voice, noticing Bobby's eyelids beginning to droop around the third verse. By the fifth verse, Rob knew he would not be awake for very long after the end of the book. Bobby seemed determined to keep his eyes open, but he only barely managed to say the final dinosaur: Tyrannosaurus rex.

“One little, two little, three little dinosaurs.” Rob sang, barely above a whisper, watching proudly as Bobby lost his fight with the inevitable. “Nine little dinosaurs. One little sleepy baby.” He whispered, tiptoeing away as Bobby's breathing was slow and even. He had wondered if Bobby would ever get used to going to bed at a four year old's bedtime, but the evidence spoke for itself. At this rate, he thought as he headed back down to his friends. He might be begging to stay up until 7 in a few months. He had heard once that toddlers could fall asleep anywhere and he smiled at the image of Bobby asleep on the living room floor, hardly even stirring when Rob scooped him up and carried him off to bed. Maybe someday. He thought, rejoining his friends.


  1. How many parts are there

  2. I can't help but feel like this is just a little too cruel.

    1. That's fair. Rob is still working on the care part of caretaker


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