Pas de Deux

Colton sighed as he stood in the front of Madame Prufond’s Studio of Dance. This was so dumb! He had only made fun of Caleb for doing ballet a few times, what was the harm? If anything, it was Caleb’s fault for crying and running to mom. Mom had decided that, as punishment, he would have to take ballet with Caleb for a full month. It had to be the most unfair punishment ever, in Colton’s mind.

“May I help you?” A young woman in a black leotard said.

“Yes, please.” Colton’s mom replied. “I want to sign my son up for ballet.”

“Merveilleuse!” The young woman replied excitedly. “We only have the one mixed class, Tuesdays and Thursdays at 5.”

“That’s the one. My other son Caleb already attends those, so I figured it’ll be easy.”

“Absolutely.” The young woman replied, smiling kindly at Colton.

“And is there any way we can sign him up just for a month?” The young woman frowned.

“Let me check.” She said, disappearing into the back. Colton could see a few girls in frilly pink tutus prancing around back there. He grumbled and crossed his arms again.

“I apologize, ma’am.” The young woman said when she returned. “The shortest term I can offer is six months.” Colton grinned. He was going to get out of this!

“Six months will be fine.” His mom said at once. He gasped.

“And there is one other issue”

“What’s that?”

“Well, Madame Prufond only had six spots open for boys and they’re all filled. We only have girls’ spots.”

“Is there any reason he can’t learn with the girls?” Colton gaped. What was his mom doing?

“Of course not.” The young woman replied, taken aback. “The fundamentals are largely the same at this level. He’ll just need to comply with the girls’ uniform requirements.”

~ C ~

So it was that Colton attended his first ballet class clad in a tutu and leotard, his hair just long enough to be done up in a bun. His mom had kept his unorthodox requirements a secret from Caleb until the day of and the younger boy cackled as he saw his brother’s sissified appearance.

Things only got worse when they got to class and Madame Prufond announced that Colton would be Caleb’s dance partner. Their recital would end with Colton leaping into Caleb’s arms. She insisted he try it by the end of the first day. In front of the whole class, Colton ran across the floor, tutu bouncing, and jumped into Caleb’s arms perfectly. As the class applauded, he looked at his brother in his white t-shirt and black tights and knew that this would be a long six months.


  1. A perfect punishment! 😏

  2. Well don't they just look darling together XD Excellent pic and story!

    1. It stayed offline for far too long, thanks to DA 😒


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