Eric & Scotty: Tadpoles

“Are you excited for lifeguard class this afternoon?” Eric asked as he folded the last pair of Scotty’s underwear, placing it on the neat stack in front of him. He loved saving Scotty’s underwear for last so that it sat right on top of the pile, all brightly colored, even compared to their six year old cousin Gavin’s hand-me-downs that made up the vast majority of Scotty’s wardrobe. Scotty did not answer, still feeling terribly cautious. Did Eric actually plan to let him take lifeguard class with him? He had to have something planned, right? “Are you listening? Earth to baby Scotty!” That proved it. There was no way he was going to get to be a normal lifeguard. Was there something where they would have to practice rescuing someone? Maybe Eric had pulled strings and gotten Scotty enrolled as the practice victim?

Eric chuckled and pulled Scotty into his lap before cradling him in his arms. Sure, Scotty was a little lanky for cradling, but he was so light and it amused Eric to no end that he could hold a boy three years older than him so easily.

“Whatcha thinking about, bud?” He asked, smiling down at Scotty in his LEGO Ninjago t-shirt and matching red shorts. Somehow, it made him seem more like a toddler than spending the day in nothing but his Spongebob briefs.

“Uh, lifeguard class.” It technically was not a lie, right?

“I knew you were excited! Me and my baby brother, learning all sorts of fun things!” He saw Scotty’s nose wrinkle. “You know what I mean. Don’t you?” Scotty nodded begrudgingly, his soft annoyed sighs always reminding Eric of a cute little puppy. “Well, tell me.”

“I’m your brother who’s still a baby in”

“In so very very many ways.” Eric said with a chuckle, kissing Scotty’s cheek. “But we need to get our laundry put away first, don’t we? Do you want to carry it up to our room?” Eric watched as a mischievous grin grew on his brother’s face. What was Scotty up to?

“I can’t. I’m just a baby.” He said. At first, Eric could not help but admire his gall. A mischievous grin of his own began to develop. Two could play at that game.

“What was that? I couldn’t quite hear it.” Eric wondered if Scotty had the nerve to actually say it again.

“I can’t carry the laundry. I’m just a baby.” Eric’s eyebrows rose, impressed. Maybe all of this had finally gotten through to Scotty and he was finally accepting his role? No, this was clearly the old lazy Scotty coming through in a new, undeniably clever way. The Scotty who went days without changing his underwear, who rarely showered and never made his bed. The Scotty who walked around with untied shoes no matter how many times he tripped. The Scotty who, whether he knew it or not, was clearly a baby begging to be taken care of.

“I see.” Eric said. “Well, in that case, I guess I have to figure out some way to carry both the laundry and the baby to our room, don’t I?”


“Babies can’t walk.” Eric replied simply. He stood up, shifting Scotty so that he rested against his shoulder, and gave his bottom a pat as he tried to figure out how to do this. He felt the lines of Scotty’s briefs and grinned as he remembered that he had dressed the tiny fourteen year old in Spongebob undies today. The baby blue elastic on the legs and waist, in addition to Spongebob and Patrick all over the body of the briefs had screamed baby brother, so of course Scotty had been put in them. For a moment, Eric pondered asking Scotty if he remembered the last time he put his own underwear on.

“Where are we going?”

“Shh, I’m just finding that baby carrier we got in one of the donation boxes.”

“What? No!”

“If you were big, I’d scold you to remind you to use your inside voice, but babies don’t know any better, do they?” Eric cooed.

“Eric, seriously. I was just joking.”

“No, no.” Eric said. “You were clearly telling the truth. It was my mistake to treat you like a big boy when you’re obviously a baby.”

“I am not!”

“Don’t argue, baby. We both heard what you said.” Eric shifted Scotty slightly. “Found it! Let’s get you into your carrier.”

“Eric, please.”

“It’s about time you learn some manners, but it won’t stop me from getting you all snug and cozy in your carrier.”

“Eric, please. No.”

“Sorry, but baby Scotty’s gotta be all safe and snug.”

“I” he stammered. “I won’t fit!”

“Then what are you so afraid of? Tell you what, if you don’t fit, I’ll put you down and you can be a big boy again.”

“Really?” Eric laughed.

“You’ll still be my baby brother, but you’ll walk like a big boy.”

“Oh.” Scotty said in a small voice. He had thought… but that was clearly crazy. Eric would never let him grow up and it was foolish to think otherwise.

Scotty’s heart fell again when he realized that he did fit in the carrier. It was a tight fit, but not so much so that he might have to be cut out of it. How was it possible? Eric always made a big deal out of how short and small he was, but most of that was exaggeration. He was so baffled by it that he barely even reacted as Eric put the carrier on, Scotty’s feet dangling just above the floor.

“Can’t wear it all day, but I think it’ll do while we’re getting chores done.” Eric said. “Good thing big brother’s so strong, huh, baby?” The humiliated teen stayed silent. This was impossible.

He mulled it over while Eric took their laundry to their room. How could he fit in the baby carrier? Obviously, he was too tall for it since his feet only just barely missed the floor and it made his shorts ride up to the point where he felt like he had a permanent wedgie, but here he was, being carried in a baby carrier by his little brother.

It felt almost defiant to think of Eric as his little brother with how much he had been insisting Scotty was really the baby. He knew that if he told his parents, they would never believe half of the things Eric did to him. The few things they did believe, they would assume were just Eric teasing and Scotty being melodramatic, like always. Still, it was worth it. It would be nice to hear them say he was just exaggerating like teenagers do because it would prove to Eric, his little brother, that he was a teenager.

"Alright, ready to come out?" Eric asked.


"Baby, what's the magic word?"

"Yes, please."

"Good." Eric grinned, pleased Scotty had immediately responded to 'baby'. "Just one last thing. What's your favorite thing about being a baby?"

"I'm not a baby, Eric!"

"Alright, how about you think about it while I'm getting you out of your baby Scotty carrier?" Scotty grumbled and looked away, blushing as Eric lifted him out of the baby carrier. At least he was free, he thought as he adjusted his shorts.

"Do you got it yet, squirt? Your favorite thing about being a baby?"

"No." With surprising speed, Eric whipped Scotty's t-shirt off. He shivered as he stood there now shirtless. "What was that?"

"What's your favorite thing about being a baby?" Eric asked gently.

"I am not a baby!" He said insistently even as his shorts went down. He yelped and covered his Spongebob briefs rather than try to retrieve his shorts from Eric's clutches.

"Buddy, every time you mumble instead of answering clearly, you lose an article of clothing. Well, you're down to just your cute little undies, so if you don't want to be nakee, a nakee little baby, it's time to answer clearly. What's your favorite thing about being a baby?" Scotty had no idea. He knew Eric would never let it go, so he had to think of something. Anything.

"Uh... having you take care of me?" He regretted it immediately when he saw how Eric's face lit up. Eric was genuinely touched.

"Aw, thanks, buddy." He hugged Scotty, completely unperturbed by his brother being in nothing but his Spongebob undies still. “We should get ready to go, hmm? We’re gonna be the best two lifeguards the community center’s ever seen!”

Despite Scotty’s whines, Eric made a point of getting them completely ready to go, including taking everything to the front door, before finally dressing Scotty. There was something so fun about being shadowed all through the house by his brother in nothing but brightly colored Spongebob briefs, so different from the underwear Eric had worn for years now. How had he or anyone ever seen Scotty as anything other than a little boy who was barely out of babyhood? He knew it was technically called infancy, but babyhood just sounded better.

“Alright, I think we are all set.” His gaze fell on Scotty and he gasped melodramatically. “Buddy! you can’t go to the rec center in your Spongebob undies!” Eric teased. “I thought you wanted to be a lifeguard!” Scotty remained silent. He knew deep down that there was more chance of him sprouting wings than him actually becoming a lifeguard. Every time they had gone to swim at the rec center, Eric had insisted on him wearing those stupid floaties and a swim diaper. He would be the laughingstock of the whole class! His eyes widened as realization struck. That. That was it. That had to be Eric’s game. But how would he get out of it?

“Um, I don’t feel good.”

“Don’t you start with that, Scotty. I would have noticed if you had a fever.”

“Not a fever. My stomach’s kind of” his voice trailed off. Eric had to know he was lying.

“Hey, squirt,” Eric said. “You don’t need to worry. I’m nervous about lifeguard classes too, but we’ll be taking them together.” His voice was so sincere, Scotty found himself actually believing in the lifeguard classes, if only for a moment. “So be brave for me and we’ll do great. Together.”

“Okay.” Scotty mumbled, a bit taken aback by how earnest Eric seemed. Eric smiled and gave him a hug.

“Ready to go?” Scotty nodded and Eric dressed him without incident, other than a playful snap or two of the waistband of the boy’s colorful underwear. “We’re gonna take the bus today, remember?” The bus had been the solution to Scotty’s attempt to escape their frequent trips to the community center by whining about the long walk. Eric had considered a stroller, but figured that bus fares were much cheaper. At least, for now.

“Here’s our bus!” Eric announced, picking Scotty up and carrying him up the steps. He paid their fare, even if it was really only his as the bus drivers all seemed to understand that Scotty was small enough that he rode for free, and took them to a seat, only then setting Scotty down. He was so cute that Eric had to resist the urge to tickle him the whole short ride to the community center.

“Are you texting that Daisy girl again?” Scotty asked, unaware of his brother’s thoughts.

“Naw.” Eric replied. “I’m too busy babysitting to try and get with her.” He smiled down at Scotty. “Maybe once my baby brother’s a little more able to take care of himself.” In truth, Eric was not sure about dating a girl yet. Sure, Daisy was pretty and she had looked good when they had met, but Eric still was not sure he really wanted to date yet. As mature as he seemed compared to the baby beside him, Eric was only eleven, after all. Scotty needed him anyway and made for a convenient excuse when Daisy had invited him to the movies. Scotty made a sound almost like a whimper, but restrained himself.

“We’re here for class.” Eric said at the front counter. “Oh, but real quick, can I check Scotty’s birthday in the system? I saw you have surprises for members!” He leaned over and looked at the screen. “Six and a half?” He chuckled. “No, he’s turning five later this summer.”

“Oh, let me fix that!” The receptionist said, matching Eric’s soft tone.

Scotty barely paid attention to the check-in at the reception area. He was so focused on trying to figure out Eric’s angle, he missed that he had just lost eighteen months at the front counter. He rolled his eyes as Eric pulled his wrist to the scanner to scan his under eight wristband.

“Put me down.” He tried to make it sound more like a command than a whine as Eric picked him up. It still sounded whiny to him, but the important thing was, it worked. Eric set him down and smiled.

“Alright, but you’ll need to be careful on the stairs down to the pool locker rooms.” It was not until they reached the concrete stairs that Scotty realized just what Eric meant. “Stop right there, Scotty.” He froze. He was holding the railing, wasn’t he? “Since you were so eager to say you’re a baby earlier, you need to go down the stairs like a baby.”

“And what’s that mean?”

“Ask nicely.”

“What’s that mean, please?”

“Someone’s snarky today.” Eric laughed. “But I don’t want us to be late for lifeguard class.” Scotty rolled his eyes. He was still pretending like they were going to a normal lifeguard class? What was his game? “So I’ll help you. Ask me to please tell you how to go down stairs like a baby.” Scotty groaned.

“Come on.”

“Here.” Eric crouched down to his level. “Whisper in my ear. Nice and clear.” Scotty obeyed with a healthy dose of sarcasm. “Alright, well there are two ways. Way number one is to ask me to carry you down. Way number two is to crawl backwards. We already know you don’t want to be carried, so…” Eric jogged down the short staircase, not even touching the railing. “Come on. Down you come, baby Scotty!” There was no one around, but that did not make it any less humiliating for Scotty to crawl down them, looking over his shoulder. Eric scooped him up the moment he reached the bottom, carrying him into the locker room.

Scotty gasped as he saw the locker room busier than it had ever been. There were a good half dozen guys around his age getting changed into their trunks for swimming. Or lifeguard class, he realized. Eric set him down a short distance away, hardly even glancing over at the others as he summarily stripped his squirming brother down to his underwear. Scotty looked away as he realized that he was the same age as them, but the only one in the whole room in briefs of any sort.

“Can we hurry up?” He mumbled, but he knew Eric never deviated from their system and definitely would not with an audience a short distance away. Scotty always had to sit there in nothing but his Underoos until Eric was completely ready. Only then would he turn his attention on dressing Scotty the rest of the way.

“Hey! You here for the lifeguard class?” One of the teens said, walking over.

“Sure am.” Eric said, grinning. “I’m Eric.”

“I’m Trent. And who’s this?” He looked down at Scotty.

“Oh, this is Scotty, my baby brother.”

“Eric!” Trent laughed at Scotty’s immediate reaction.

“C’mon, man. He’s not a baby. Look at his cool undies! Spongebob’s awesome, right?” The humiliated Scotty could only nod. “High five, buddy!” He held up his hand expectantly until Scotty smacked it, his hand dwarfed by Trent’s. “I better get out there. See you in a bit, Eric! Scotty!”

“Alright, squirt. Undies off, diaper on.” Eric said. Scotty looked over in panic. There was no way Trent didn’t hear that!

It felt like an eternity before Eric finally decreed Scotty ready. He had seen the floaties in the bag, but thankfully, Eric had not insisted on him wearing them. Scotty would have bet a week of wearing those floaties around the clock that he was not actually going to lifeguard class, but the last thing he needed was for all those teenagers, who had definitely seen his Little Swimmers, to see him in that ridiculous get-up.

“Alright, squirt, hold my hand and let’s get going.” Scotty complied, looking down at the tiled floor between his octopus flip flops as they made their way through the locker room and out into the pool area.

Scotty heard voices and he looked up to see that they were heading over to a group of little kids. This was it then. Scotty stopped walking.


“Yes.” Eric said. “It’s perfect. It’s at the same time as lifeguard classes and it’s age appropriate.”

“Eric!” Scotty whispered. “You know it’s not. I am your big” Eric dropped down enough to look Scotty in the eyes, gripping his chin gently to make sure he could not look away.

“You are not my big brother. You are, and I quote you yourself, a baby in some ways and a big boy in others. A baby. Babies don’t get to go to lifeguard class. Do you know what they do get to do?”

“What?” Scotty looked away, fighting back tears desperately.

“Babies go to daycare. Big boys go to Tadpoles swimming. Which do you want to do?”

“But Eric”

“That’s your choice, squirt. Make your pick.” Scotty groaned and stomped his foot.

“Fine. Swimming.”

“Ask nicely.”


“Ask nicely or you know what we’ll do? We’ll go back into the locker room and you can go to Tadpoles in your floaties and diaper. Just your floaties and diaper.” Scotty knew Eric was serious.

“Please let me do Tadpoles. Uh, big brother.”

“That’s much more like it. Yes, you can do Tadpoles.” He hugged Scotty, carefully adjusting his swim trunks to expose just the slightest hint of his Little Swimmers.

“Well, hello there!” An effervescent girl said, running over. She wore the red swimsuit of a lifeguard and looked as if she might be in college. She smiled down at Scotty. “What’s your name, buddy?” Eric squeezed Scotty’s shoulder.


“Yep, you’re one of mine! My name’s Jacquie and we’re going to be swimming together. Aren’t you excited?” Scotty shrugged. “I bet you like Spider-Man, don’t you?” She laughed as Scotty looked confused. “Don’t worry, I’m used to the shy ones. We’ll get Scotty talking in no time.”

“Sounds good!” Eric grinned and tousled Scotty’s hair. “I gotta hurry over to lifeguard class.”

“Oh, yeah. Mr. Travers is a hard” Jacquie stopped and glanced down at Scotty. “Hardbutt.” Eric and Jacquie laughed as if they had successfully fooled the diminutive fourteen year old between them.

“Bye-bye, Scotty. Can you give big brother a bye-bye kiss?”

“Kiss?” Eric laughed and kissed both of Scotty’s cheeks.

“We’ll work on it later. Be a good boy for Jacquie.” He smoothly took Scotty’s hand and gave it to Jacquie so she could lead him over to the group.

She chatted animatedly, but every word washed over Scotty as he could not believe what had happened. Judging by the kids around him, he was in the absolute youngest group. There could not be a kid over five years old here. Well, other than him. He knew that Eric had registered him in the rec center system as younger than eight, but how had this been allowed?

"This mat is going to be our home base." Jacquie said. "Whenever I say 'home base', I want all my little Tadpoles to come over here, but don't run. We don't run by the pool, okay?"

"Okay." Everyone except Scotty said in unison.

"My name is Lifeguard Jacquie. Can you all say hi, Miss Jacquie?"

"Oh, god." Scotty muttered. He was going to lose his mind from boredom within the next five minutes. He just knew it.

"Hi, Miss Jacquie!" Everyone else said cheerfully.

"Now, the first rule of swimming for us Tadpoles is be safe around the pool and listen to Lifeguard Julie, kay?"


"Second rule, we're all friends here and we want to have fun, don't we?"

"Yes!" A hand went up.

"Oh, a question already? What's your name, sweetie?"

"Jamie." The little boy said, suddenly struck with nervousness.

"What's your question?"

"I have a dog." Scotty snorted, but no one seemed to notice.

"That's nice, but let's focus on swimming, hmm? Do you know how to swim, Jamie?" The little boy shook his head. Scotty scoffed. He knew how to swim. He did not belong here. The second they hit the water, he would prove it.

He quickly realized that that would not be happening soon. After Miss Jacquie finished going over the rules, she had them all get into a circle for introductions. Scotty did not understand how it was possible for a bunch of five and six year olds to be the same height as him. Miss Jacquie must have arranged them by height or something, he thought. Either that or the boy standing next to him with the same trunks was stuck in the same situation as him.

“And what’s your name?” Miss Jacquie asked, pointing to Scotty. With all the eyes on him, Scotty tugged up on his swim trunks to try to keep his swim diaper from peeking. Swim undies, he corrected himself, despite Eric not calling them that since the very first time he had been put in them. God, why did his brother do these things to him? “What’s your name, buddy?” Miss Jacquie repeated, no stranger to shy kids. There was a reason why she always requested the Tadpole group.

“Uh, Scott.” He mumbled.

“Kids, this is Scotty. And what’s a fun fact about you, Scotty?” He just shrugged, not wanting to play along at all. “There must be something fun about you. We know you like Spider-man, so…” she smiled. “Got it. Scotty’s big brother Eric is learning how to be a lifeguard, isn’t that right?” Scotty nodded. “I bet you think your big brother’s so cool, huh?” Scotty did not even nod. “Well, I bet you’ll grow up to be big and strong just like him. High five, Scotty!” He blushed and complied.

“My name’s Paul.” The boy next to him said when it was his turn. “And I have a little brother named Scotty too.” Scotty felt his face burn again. What were the odds of that? Matching swimsuits and his little brother had Scotty’s name. I’m Scott though, he thought, even if he had not been called that all summer.

Scotty tuned out of the rest of the introductions. What did he care? As soon as they hit the water, he would prove he was an accomplished swimmer. Eric would regret not confining him to the floaties that had made him unable to do much more than bounce along the floor of the shallowest end of the pool.

“Alright, kiddorinos!” Jacquie said. “Let’s go over to the pool, but make sure you walk!” The kids moved as a mass and Scotty followed suit, though he glanced enviously over to the lifeguard students at the other pool. Could he slip away? Hiding in the locker room had to be at least a million times better than participating in a swimming class for four and five year olds. “C’mon, Scotty. No need to be scared! It’s like a big bathtub!”

She took him by the hand and Scotty found himself too distracted by how appealingly soft her skin was to really care that she led him over to the kids, who all sat on the edge of the pool with their feet in the water. In fact, Jacquie did look pretty nice in her swimsuit, Scotty thought. Just wish I wasn’t in Spider-Man trunks and a freaking swim diaper!

“Dammit, Eric.” He muttered as he took his place. Was this all they were going to do, he wondered as Jacquie got them started on kicking.

They did end up doing more by the end of class, though none of it seemed to Scotty to be actual swimming. They played Simon Says, and then, gripping the edge of the pool at the shallow end, practiced blowing bubbles and coming up for air.

“Aren’t we gonna learn how to swim?” Paul asked, conveying Scotty’s impatience perfectly.

“We have to cover the fundamentals first.” Jacquie said cheerfully. “Let’s all go – walk – to our home base and we can finish for the day.” Scotty fumed. Now, in the chaos of kids climbing the stairs out of the pool, this was his chance to prove he was too skilled to be in the baby class!

Scotty launched himself off of the wall and began to swim toward the deep end, confident in his teenage arrogance that Jacquie would be unable to deny that he was clearly too skilled – and too old – to be in this class.

He had not even made it to the midpoint of the pool before hands grabbed him and lifted him up.

"No, no, Scotty sweetie." Jacquie said gently as she took him back toward the stairs at the shallow end. "We're taking it slow. The first pool rule is what?" Scotty remained silent. He refused to play her game! Had she not even noticed how well he had been swimming? "Kids, let's try and help Scotty remember the first pool rule. What is it?"

"Be safe and listen to Miss Jacquie!" The kids said in high-pitched, overly exuberant unison.

"That's right. Scotty, how about you go sit next to Paul since you two have matching trunks. Isn't that fun?" Scotty groaned, but complied. He had been so close to proving his real age!

Jacquie made them all repeat the rules of the pool twice before saying good-bye to them with a cheerful wave and a promise that they would have even more fun next week.

“Now stay sitting on the mat until you see your grown-up.” Scotty watched as the other students were led away by their parents for a bit until he saw Eric strolling over. “Is that your grown-up, Eric?” She had seen him, what? An hour ago?

“He’s my brother.”

“Your big brother.” Eric said with a laugh. “Looks like you had a lot of fun today, huh?” Scotty remained silent as he carried him into the locker room. Most of the other Tadpoles had left with their parents rather than change, so the locker room was all but abandoned. “What was that boy’s name that had the same trunks as you?”

“Paul. Let me guess,” Scotty muttered in irritation. “You’re gonna see if Paul can babysit me.” Eric laughed.

“He’s like five, squirt.” He had Scotty stand on the bench and pulled down his trunks so that Scotty wore nothing but his Finding Nemo diaper. “I don’t think he’ll be allowed to babysit you.”

“There’s a dumb eleven year old babysitting me.” Scotty said under his breath.

“Well, it’s different when we’re brothers, squirt.” Eric said, fighting back the Scotty-like urge to add that he was almost twelve. “Besides, you obviously need me to take care of you. And why’s that?”

“I’m a baby in some ways and a big boy in others.” He muttered.

“A baby in a lot of ways, but you still get big boy undies, don’t you?” He held up Scotty’s Spongebob briefs. Scotty grunted. “They’re more of big boy undies than your swim diaper, aren’t they?” Scotty grunted again. “Someone’s fussy. Maybe Paul is big enough to babysit you.”


“I’m just joking, though maybe we should set up a playdate. How’s that sound?”


“Mhm!” Eric laughed and dressed Scotty, patting his head. “Your hair’s wet, so you must have done some real swimming today, huh?”

“Yeah, right.” Eric picked Scotty up.

“Ok, we gotta rush so I don’t miss more of my class.”

“Your class isn’t done yet?”

“Yep. Lifeguard class lasts three hours, so” he carried the squirming Scotty out of the locker room. “But I’ve got a great plan to keep you busy for the next couple hours.” Scotty saw the sign on the door and snarled.

“Daycare?” Scotty tried to get out of Eric’s arms, but he kept him snug against his chlorine-scented chest.

“Yep. It’ll keep you out of trouble. Now, use your inside voice.”

“But Eric! Daycare’s for”

“Baby brothers who just got done with Tadpoles?” Eric remarked with a knowing smile. Scotty growled.

“Eric. Seriously! You can’t do this!”

“It’s only until I’m done with lifeguard class.”

“But… every week?”

“Smart baby.” Eric said. “Yes, every week, you’ll get to play in daycare while I’m learning to swim. Now, do I tell them you’re a baby or a big boy?”

“Eric, this isn’t fair.”

“Baby then?” Scotty sighed.

“Big boy.”

“Well, hello there, Scotty. How about you go play over on the carpet there while I get your details squared away with your brother?” Scotty groaned, but wandered over to the toddler toys on the carpet, listening carefully as Eric ran down the details.

“He’ll only be here for a few hours, so I don’t think he needs a nap, no.”

“What about the potty?”

“Oh, he can definitely do that.” Eric laughed, glancing over at Scotty. “He wears Little Swimmers, but that’s more just in case. He’ll be turning five later this summer.” Scotty felt like his face could not possibly turn any redder. “He was just talking about his big boy undies earlier.”

“Ah, of course. We’ll let you know if there are any problems, but it sounds like he’ll be an easy one.”

Sure enough, daycare proved to go smoothly. Sure, Scotty grumbled about having to color a picture of a turtle and eat a snack of a graham cracker and a carton of milk, but it was not like he was bottlefed or anything. The only other kid in daycare was a three year old named AJ, who decided that anything Scotty did, he needed to do too.

“Alright, I think your big brother might be a little late coming to pick you up, kiddo.” Sarah, the woman running the daycare, said. “So I guess you’ll join AJ for naptime.”


“C’mon, Scotty.” Sarah said. “It’ll be easier if he sees you taking a nap too. Besides, aren’t you tired from swimming earlier?”

“Not really.” All the same, Sarah took him by the hand and led him over to the mats she had laid out for him and AJ.

“Isn’t that cute?” She mused as she removed his shoes.

“What is?”

“You two have the same size feet!” She playfully put his foot next to AJ’s. His was obviously bigger, but not as much as they should have been, he thought sourly. “Alright, let’s lie down, boys, and try to nap.” Just then, the door opened. Was it Eric? A woman walked in.

“Oh, look at that perfect timing!” She said, smiling at the boys on the floor.

“Mommy!” AJ jumped up and into the woman’s arms.

“I missed you too, kiddo. Spin class got canceled. Again.” She said to Sarah, rolling her eyes. “So I figured AJ can nap on the way home.” She reached out to take AJ’s shoes from Sarah. “Oops, those aren’t his!”

“Oh, sorry.” She handed the correct shoes to AJ’s mom before waving goodbye. “Just you and me now, Scotty!”

“This means I don’t have to nap, right?”

“You’re already all settled, so why don’t you try to nap until your big brother gets here?” She smiled and pulled the blanket back up to his chin. “Sweet dreams, Scotty!”

“Yeah, I guess we should.” Scotty’s eyes opened at the sound of Eric’s voice, even though he was whispering. He sat up and saw both Eric and Sarah watching him.

“Welcome back from dreamland!” Sarah said. “Guess I was right about a nap being a good idea, huh?” Eric chuckled as he tucked Scotty’s clogs into his backpack.

“Ready to go, buddy? You’ll be back to daycare next week.” He picked Scotty up, setting him against his hip. “Oh, you know what? Let’s go potty real quick.”

“Right through that door.” Sarah said with a smile. Eric carried Scotty in and, tugging down his shorts and underwear in one motion, sat him down on the toilet.

“Go peepee, Scotty.”

“Eric!” He said in warning.

“What? You spent three hours at daycare and you even told me earlier your favorite part about being my baby was me taking care of you. Do you really think Sarah sees you as a big kid? Or Jacquie?” He brushed Scotty’s cheek. “You are a baby and you need to get used to people seeing you as a baby.”

“I am not a baby!”

“Don’t mumble, Scotty.” Eric said. “Now, go peepee before we go.” Scotty thought about holding it and wetting himself on the bus since he knew Eric would make him ride in his lap again, but knew that would only make things so much worse for him. Trying his best to forget about Eric right there, he peed. “Good baby!” Eric praised. Scotty sighed and wondered if he would ever be able to be big again.



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