Eric & Scotty: Baby

"Hurry up." Scotty muttered, sitting on the bench, head in his hands, elbows resting on his thighs. The bright lights of the rec center locker room only made things worse. "I feel so exposed."

"I thought you'd be glad to finally be out of tighty whities." Eric remarked, pulling his shirt on over his head. He smirked at his brother, sitting there in just his Pokémon Underoos, Pikachu and Squirtle smiling up at him from Scotty's crotch.

"Not like these." Scotty grumbled. It had taken Eric longer than he cared to admit to put the pieces together. If Scotty still fit in the pajamas of a first grader, something they had only learned thanks to the bags of donation clothes, why would underwear be any different? He had been a little annoyed by how many boxer briefs there were at the store for six year olds, but he had finally found some Pokémon and Spongebob briefs for his brother. He had not been sure which would have been more childish in Scotty's eyes, but he soon learned that Scotty actually preferred plain white over brightly colored Underoos. Well, brightly colored Underoos were all he had now, thanks to Eric. "Where are my clothes?"

"Arms up." Eric ordered, gathering Scotty's t-shirt in his hands. He playfully ran a hand along Scott's underarm, smirking. Three years older than him and still not a bit of hair under there. "Keep grumbling." He said as he pulled the shirt over Scotty's head. "And you're going home on the bus without pants again." Scotty muttered something. "What was that, Scotty? That sounded like a bad word."

"I just said ok."

"I'm sure. But let's try that a bit better. What's the more polite way to say it?"

"Ok, big brother."

"Very good, Scotty." Eric praised. "Now, lie down on the bench so I can put your shorts on you." In Eric's eyes, there was something so childish about Scotty's t-shirt and shorts matching, so that was almost all Scotty ever wore for his outdoor clothes. Today was a lime green t-shirt and shorts set with a smiling yellow sun on the chest. Eric had seen a three year old wearing the same outfit and it made his heart melt to know that his fourteen year old brother dressed like that. "Bye bye, Pikachu!" Eric teased. He scooped Scotty up, setting him against his shoulder. Even over the scent of pool chlorine in the air, Scotty could smell Eric’s deodorant and something else, something that reminded him of their dad. He could not say what it was exactly, his train of thought disrupted by Eric supporting his bottom.

"Can't I walk?"

"Your flippy floppies are at the bottom of the bag. I'll just carry you. Your flip flops fall off when I carry you anyway. That was a fun swim, hmm?" Scotty did not answer, but Eric knew he was still embarrassed about wearing a swim diaper and floaties, even if it was quickly becoming a habit for Eric to put him in them.

They left the rec center and Eric boarded the bus, only putting Scotty down when they reached their seat. Getting situated, he pulled Scotty onto his lap, holding a finger to his lips when he complained.

"So fussy." Eric remarked softly. "Maybe we should see about changing your bedtime."

"Mom and dad just moved it back!"

"I know and I think it's much too late for my baby brother." Pulling out his phone, arms wrapped protectively around Scotty, his chin resting on his head, Eric did an internet search for 'bedtime for 4 year olds', gently shushing Scotty when he whimpered. "Most preschoolers are ready for bed around 7 pm," Eric read softly, loving every word. "Especially if they’ve had a big day at preschool."

"I'm not in preschool!" Scotty protested.

"I know, but the rec center has a daycare, doesn't it?"

"You wouldn't dare." Eric chuckled and lifted Scotty back up to his chest as they exited the bus. Scotty pouted the whole walk to their house, whimpering. It amazed Eric just how often Scotty thought acting like a toddler would make him think he was not one.

He cheered up once they got home, not even fussing when Eric stripped him of his outside clothes. He gave his briefs a playful little snap before tousseling his hair.

"You go run and play." Eric said, smiling at his tiny brother in just the very same Pokémon undies that had made him pout so much after swimming. "I won't bother you until I need you for something."

"Ok, big brother." Scotty intoned when Eric held his hand before he could run off.

"If you get chilly, come find me and we'll put you in your jammies, okay?" Scotty nodded and Eric let him run off. That was the rule that Eric had set.

When home or even in the backyard, Scotty had two choices: underwear only or pajamas, regardless of the time of day. They were not Scotty's choice of course. Eric got to decide and he usually picked jammies. After all, there was something about a little boy in jammies around the clock, as if he might be put to bed at any moment. Plus, jammies always did that matching top to bottom thing that Eric loved on Scotty.

"God, are we sure he'll be fifteen in October?" Eric mused as he went to do his chores. Sure, Scotty occasionally resisted, but a light swat to the bottom and he fell in line. What self-respecting teenager allowed himself to be put in Little Swimmers and floaties each and every time they went to the pool? What teen would only whimper and whine when he saw his little brother figuring out what time four year olds go to bed with the clear goal of making him do that, starting tonight?

As Eric did his laundry, a silly idea came to mind. What if Scotty’s fifteenth birthday was more of a fifth birthday? They could just lie and say the one numeral candle broke, so they just have the five. Sure, he would notice the bright decorations and the cake, but by that point, he might even think of himself as a five year old. “He’s six and a half at the rec center, but I guess that doesn’t really matter, does it?” Eric said with a chuckle. He wondered for a moment if he could even bring it up at the rec center.

“Excuse me, my brother’s birth year is wrong. Sorry, I must’ve mistyped it. Can we get it fixed?” Eric tried it out and smiled to himself. Maybe that would work. That was for another time though. He had his plan for tonight and that did not require leaving the house.

True to his word, Eric left Scotty alone until quarter after six that night. They had eaten, which meant it was time to put the plan into motion.

“Alright, Scotty. Time for your bath.”

“What? I showered at the rec center.” In spite of himself, Eric snorted. He had carried Scotty into the shower after their swim, Eric in his trunks, Scotty in just his Finding Nemo swim diaper.

“Yes, that was to rinse the chlorine off.” Eric explained. “But now you need your nightly bath.”

“I’ll shower in the morning.” Eric just shrugged.

“Alright, we’ll do it the baby way then.” He grabbed Scotty and carried the arguing boy to the bathroom. “How do you always forget that I am so much bigger and stronger than you, baby?” He asked, pulling down Scotty’s underwear and giving his bottom a swat.


“Well, behave.” Eric said. “Listen to me very closely. From now on, you’ll be getting a bath before your new bedtime of seven o’clock, do you understand?”


“Yes, your butt will be bathed along with the rest of you.” Eric teased. “Now, I want you to stand right here like a good little boy while I fill the tub.”


“One more word and you’ll be sucking on soap. Is that what you want?”

“No.” To his delight, Scotty covered his mouth with his hands.

“Don’t worry. I won’t count that.” Eric said reassuringly. “Look, we have your teddy towel here and everything.” Scotty stared at the brown hooded towel. He had never seen it before in his life. In fact, Eric had found it in the donated clothes they had received. Normally, his mom or dad would donate things like that, figuring their sons were both too old for such things, but Eric had laid claim to it, on Scotty’s behalf.

Scotty remained silent even as Eric had him climb into the warm bath, watching as Eric wet the washcloth.

“Keep your hands up on the sides, okay? Maybe we can get you some bath toys for next time, but for now, just sit back and let big brother bathe you.”

“Can I talk yet?” Eric was a little surprised by the irritation in his tone. Was Scotty about to stand up for himself?

“Of course.”

“Can I wash myself?”


“I can do it myself.”

“I know, but it’ll go quicker if you let me do it.”

“Everywhere?” Scotty asked nervously.

“Head to toe.” Eric replied. “Which reminds me, we need to talk about your vocabulary. The words you use.”

“I know what it means!”

“You know what bad words are right, but do you know what the good words are?” He washed Scotty’s skinny arms, smiling as he thought.

“Like please and thank you?”

“Those are good words, yes. Words you could use a lot more often, honestly. But do you want to know what some other good words are?”

“Sure.” Scotty shrugged.

“Well, mommy and daddy are good words. Big brother is a good word.”


“And then there’s things like undies, jammies.”

“Baby words.”

“I use a lot of those words too, so no, not baby words.” Eric explained. “Lean forward a bit so I can do your back.” He washed his brother’s back. “You’re being so good for me.” He smiled. “Some other good words that’ll come up during this bath? Tushie and dinky. Can you point to your dinky for me?” He snickered as Scotty bashfully obeyed. “Very good. There are a lot of words for your dinky, but that’s the only one you should use, understand?”


“Good boy.” Eric praised. “Oh, that reminds me. So we have mommy and daddy and big brother, what about you? Who are you?”

“Scott. Scotty.”

“Yes, but what’s your title? Your role in the family?”

“I dunno”

“Sure you do.”

“Little brother?” He groaned.

“Close. You wear swim diapers, you get carried a lot, big brother gives you baths and helps dress you.”

“I don’t want to do any of those things!”

“Exactly, but they need to be done. They’re necessities, aren’t they?” Scotty looked at him, confused and pretty sure Eric had taken it a different way than he had meant. “So, in a lot of ways, you’re really little. You’re a baby.”

“So what?” Scotty asked, annoyed. “You want me to say I’m the baby brother?”

“Not quite.” Eric replied mildly, surprising Scotty once again. “You’re my brother, but what about with mommy and daddy, hmm? You’re not their brother, are you?”

“Baby son?” Eric laughed.

“It would be adorable to hear you refer to yourself like that, but” he smiled as Scotty squirmed as he washed his sensitive little feet. “I think just baby would be fine.” Scotty moaned in frustration.

“But I’m not a baby!”

“Shh, your voice echoes in the bathroom a lot, remember?” Eric smiled and rubbed his back. “If we want to be technically, you’re a baby in some ways and big in other ways, but” he paused. “Move a bit so I can wash your tushie. There we go. Good little boy.” He gently squeezed and then started to wipe his bottom, smiling at the suds that clung to it. “A bubble butt baby boy.” He said, more to himself than to Scotty. “So, it’d be a mouthful to always say ‘I’m a baby in these ways and a big boy in these ways’, so to keep it simple, you’ll just say that you’re a baby. Understand?”

“Why can’t I say I’m a big boy! I’m fourteen!”

“That would confuse people. You’ve seen how many hundreds of times mom and dad have had to explain that even though I’m so obviously bigger, you’re actually older? This will save a lot of time.”

“But Eric!”

“Shh, quiet, remember? Alright, I’m going to be washing what now? Do you remember?”

“My… my dinky.”

“Very good! Now hold still. It won’t take that long since it’s just a baby’s dinky.” Scotty sniffled and Eric knew he was on the verge of tears, so he fell silent until it was time to rinse Scotty off. It did not matter that Scotty was having trouble accepting that he was a baby. It was a simple fact and Eric would ease him into it. Like he had said, Scotty was a big boy in some ways, but the fact of the matter was, he was still a baby in so, so many others.


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