Luke & Liam: Fire Drill 2

The peaceful stillness of Luke’s morning was disrupted by the sound of his door flying open and Liam stepping in.

“Rise and shine!”

“Go away, Liam!” Luke pulled the blanket over his head. “Let me sleep.”

“Breakfast’s on the table. Mom sent me to come grab you.” Liam moved further into the room, picking his way through books, small mountains of dirty laundry, and even a few half full bags of chips.

“Tell her I’ll eat later.” Luke groaned.

“Nope. It’s a whole family affair.” Liam strode over and picked Luke up, blanket and all.

“Let me get dressed first.”

“You’re late to breakfast. No time. You can just wear your blanket.”


“It’s not like you’re naked under there, is it?” He held tightly to his squirming brother and took a peek. “See? You’ve got your little undies on.” He snickered at Luke’s growl. “Little Lukey’s tighty whities.”

“You can get dressed after breakfast.” An idea suddenly occurred to Liam. “Tell you what, if mom or dad tells you you can’t wear your blanket to breakfast, I’ll”


“Don’t interrupt, little brother.”

“I’m not”

“God, Lukey’s cranky today!”

“Because you woke me” Liam just talked over him.

“Remind me to put you down for a nap later.”

“Put me down now.”

“Naw.” Liam carried Luke out of his bedroom, smiling down at him as he cradled him in his arms, much as he had done a few weeks earlier with that fire drill. “Like I was saying, if mom or dad tells you to get dressed instead of letting you eat breakfast, I’ll give you ten bucks.”

“Put me down!” Luke protested again.

“Do you want the deal or not?”

“Sure, but put me down.” He did not even care about how whiny he sounded. Liam, however, kept holding on to him.

“Would you prefer to go to breakfast in just your little boy undies?”

“They’re not little boy undies.” Liam wanted to make a comment about how Luke had to be the only boy older than seven who still wore them, but figured he had antagonized the boy enough for the moment.

“Mom still buys them from the boys department, doesn’t she?”

“Same with yours.” Liam chuckled and Luke felt his stomach drop. Could it be? Naw, there was no way. Liam was his little brother!

“Someone was a little reluctant to get out of bed.” Liam said as they entered the dining room in their unorthodox fashion. “So I let him take his blankie along with him.” Luke blushed, but he could not hide his face without it looking even more embarrassing, whether he covered his face with the blanket or worse, buried his face in Liam’s chest.

“I guess that’s one way to motivate him.” Their dad said with a chuckle all too reminiscent of Liam’s. “Maybe we could use some pointers from you, Liam.”

“Dad!” Luke protested as Liam deposited him in his chair.

“Better be careful you don’t flash anyone your little undies.” He whispered before sitting down beside him. “Doesn’t Luke look cozy, mom?”

“He certainly does.” She said with an eyebrow raised. “But if it’s what it takes for him to come to breakfast, who am I to complain?”

They were all about to eat, but Luke became aware of his parents looking at him expectantly. His heart leapt. Could this be them telling him to go get dressed properly? Liam was totally going to owe him ten bucks!

“Luke, aren’t you forgetting something?” Mom asked. Luke had hoped she had forgotten.

Just the night before, mom had come into his room while he was getting ready for bed. He turned around, ready to yell at Liam, but saw it was his mom.

“What’s up?” He asked. It was never a good sign for mom to pay him a visit.

“We’ve been thinking, Luke.” Mom said. She sat down on his bed and patted it to get him to sit down next to her. “Your father and I know that you are in a hurry to grow up, especially with how much growing Liam’s been doing.” Luke nodded, uncertain where exactly this was going. “But, we just want you to know that there’s no need to try to rush it. We love you just the way you are.”

“Uh, ok?”

“So, I wanted to tell you that, you don’t have to try to be the same as Liam.”

“What do you mean?” Luke’s confusion was written all over his face. Mom smiled and hugged him.

“Well, for example, just because he says mom and dad doesn’t mean you have to switch from mommy and daddy.”

“What? I haven’t said mommy or daddy in years.” Mom shook her head with a smile.

“No, I’m pretty sure I remember you calling me mommy just last week. We were in the store and you wanted mint chocolate chip ice cream and you said ‘mommy, please?’” She tousled his hair. “Don’t you remember?”


“Well, fib all you want, but from now on, it’s mommy and daddy, understand?” She stood up as if the conversation was over.

“C’mon, I’m in ninth grade! This is crazy, mom!” She paused.

“What was that?”

“Mom, I’m not” She looked at him, puzzled.

“One more time, I didn’t quite understand that. It’s like I’m only hearing half the word? Isn’t that weird?” She giggled. Luke sighed.


“Good boy. Tomorrow at breakfast, I want you to say good morning to me and daddy, okay?”

“Okay.” She smiled.

“In fact,” she grabbed his wrist and pulled him down the hall to the master bedroom, where dad sat reading a book.

“I’ve got a little visitor who wants to tell us something before bed.”

“Oh? What’s up, Lukey?”

“I just wanted to say” Luke huffed, blushing. “Good night, daddy. Good night, mommy?” Satisfied, they sent him off to bed.

Returning to the moment, Luke knew what was expected of him. He sighed, toes curling as he summoned up the courage.

“Good morning, mommy. Good morning, daddy.” He heard Liam snort as the childish words escaped his mouth.

“Chew your food, Liam.” Dad scolded. “Honestly, your brother’s just being polite.”

The good mornings out of the way, breakfast passed largely without issue, although Luke had to endure quite a few comments from each member of his family about making sure not to get any food on his blanket. His parents seemed to keep bringing it up, as if to get him to say mommy and daddy a million times.

“I know, daddy.” Luke mumbled after what had to be the hundredth reminder. At least Liam had stopped snickering every single time he had to say mommy or daddy.

“It might be a good idea for you to wash your blanket and sheets today.” Mom said thoughtfully. “After breakfast, I want you to throw that in the washer right away. Don’t go hide back in your room for three hours first.”

“But I’m not wearing anything under it.” Luke mumbled.

“Oh, well” Mom began. Liam knew he had to intervene.

“That’s a fib, Lukey. He’s wearing his undies, mom. I saw them!”

“Is that true, Luke?” Mom asked, looking as if she was about to look for herself. Luke quickly nodded to dissuade her. “I think we’ll all survive seeing you in your underwear while you get everything in the washing machine. Maybe you should even do the rest of your laundry today.”

“But mom!” She gave him a look. “Uh, mommy…”

“How full’s your hamper?”

“Not that full.”

“Is it because all of your dirty clothes are on the floor?” Luke mumbled something into his last bite of waffle.

“And everything else.” Liam mumbled, just loudly enough for Luke to hear.

“You should clean that room today, Luke.” Both Luke and Liam knew that when their mom or dad made a ‘should’ statement, it was nothing less than a direct command.

“Okay.” He mumbled dejectedly.

“And another thing you can do for” Her next chore for him was interrupted by the sound of the doorbell.

“Who could that be?” Dad asked, but Liam was already on his feet.

“That’s Michelle.”

“Who’s Michelle?” Luke asked, but Liam had already left the room.

“Mom, Dad, Lukey.” He said a minute later. “This is Michelle.” He led a red-haired girl into the room who looked strikingly familiar. Was she in his biology class? She smiled and Luke realized as she waved shyly that she and Liam were holding hands.

“Is she your girlfriend?” To his horror, everyone in the room laughed at him and he felt self-conscious, which only grew worse as it sunk in that he was sitting there in a blanket, his underwear dangerously close to being exposed. If she had come just five minutes later, she might have even seen him in just his white briefs. His face turned red and he looked down at the small puddle of syrup on his plate.

“She might just be a girl who’s his friend.” Mom explained. “You’ll understand when you’re older.” Luke shot her a look of shock.

“It’s okay. Who is this little cutie?”

“Oh, that’s my baby brother Lukey. He didn’t feel like getting dressed, so I had him wear his blankie to breakfast.” He grinned. “He is kind of adorable, isn’t he?” Luke glared at Liam, but no one paid him any mind. “We’re going to the mall, mom, dad.” Liam said. “I’ll text you if we end up going anywhere else.”

“Still can’t believe he has a phone.” Luke muttered, but no one heard him as Liam and Michelle left.

“Alright, enough dilly dallying” Mom said, as if Michelle’s arrival had been his doing. “Blanket off and put it in the washer.”

“What if they come back?”

“Why would they?” Mom said with a shrug. “Come on, scoot.” Luke sighed melodramatically. “Keep that up and you can load the dishwasher as well.”

“Ok.” He kept the blanket wrapped around him as he walked to the washer, but knew he would have to shed it before long. He shoved it into the washer and was about to start it when his mom poked her head in.

“You can fit your sheets in there as well.” Luke yelped and tried to cover himself. “Don’t waste water.” She rolled her eyes as he kept trying to hide his underwear. “I used to give you baths, mister.” Too embarrassed to speak, Luke rushed past her and went to his room to strip his bed. To his dismay, his mom followed him. “Look at this mess!”

“Mom! Get out!” Seeing her face, he sighed. “Mommy”

“This is my house, Luke. I can come in your room whenever I want. Look at this mess.” She looked around.

“You already told me to clean it.”

“And I expect you to.” Mom said. Luke grumbled and slipped past her, his arms full of his sheets. Why was mom treating him like a servant?

“Look at that hustle.” Dad said as Luke blazed past him.


“Normally when you do chores, you’re dragging your feet, but” he smirked. “I guess being in just your underwear really motivates you, huh?”


“Maybe you should always do your chores in your underwear.” Dad said thoughtfully. Luke felt like this was some sort of terrible nightmare.

“You’re joking, right?”

“What do you think, Wendy?” Dad asked as mom walked in. “I was just saying that Luke seems to be a bit more motivated when he’s doing chores in just his underwear.”

“That is true.”

“Mommy! Daddy!” Luke looked from one to the other, completely oblivious to the fact that he was standing there in just his underwear, arms still full of his sheets.

“Tell you what, Luke.” Dad said. “Go put your sheets in the wash and then you can get dressed before you clean your room.” Mom nodded as if they shared the thought.

“If you can clean up your room in an hour, we’ll let you be, but if it takes you more than an hour, we’ll see how much quicker you move in just your underwear.”

“That’s insane.”

“Any responsible young man should be able to clean his room in an hour.” Mom said, leaving it unsaid what Luke would be if he did not succeed. “Do we have a deal?”

“Yes, mommy.” Luke mumbled, staring down at his toes. Maybe remembering to say mommy and daddy would buy him some leeway?

Taking his sheets to the washer, Luke ran into another obstacle. He had no idea how to work the machine!

“Hey, mom! Mom!” She was just in the other room, why wouldn't she answer? He poked his head around the corner. “Mom!” Why was she acting like she was not hearing him? He sighed. “Fine, mommy.”

“Yes, Luke?”

“Can you show me how to start the washer?”

“Can you ask nicely?” She was clearly enjoying this. He groaned.


“Complete sentence, Luke.”

“Can you please help me with the washer?” Mom smiled and followed him into the laundry room.

“Remember our talk from last night?”


“Alright, because you seem to be forgetting. Mommy and daddy is an all the time thing, sweetheart. Whether we're at home or you're at school or at the store. Wherever. Understand?” The horrified teen could only nod dumbly. “How about we help you remember?”

“How?” He asked hesitantly.

“From now on, please and thank you aren't complete without including who you're asking or thanking. So, please mommy or thank you daddy.” She smiled. “Not only will you be a very polite little boy, but soon, saying mommy and daddy will become second nature to you.” That was exactly what Luke was afraid of. “How about you practice by asking me again?”

“Can you please help me with the washer, mommy?”

“Very good! I would love to!” She stood there and waited.

“Thank you, mommy.” Luke muttered. She turned to the washer.

“Now, this is blankets and sheets, so we'll do heavy load.” Rather than show him, she pushed a few buttons with her body blocking his view. “When you're doing the rest of your laundry, you can just ask mommy or daddy to do the buttons for you, okay?”

“Okay.” He mumbled.

“Okie dokie! Washer's running, so let's go see about that room.” Luke, eager to escape his mom's watchful eye, did not need to be told twice.

He hurried to his room, but sure enough, his parents followed.

“Get a shirt and pants on and then the clock will start.” Dad said.

“When was the last time you changed your undies, Luke?” Mom added.


“Better change those too, especially since you’re doing laundry.”

“Ok.” Luke muttered. He knew better than to try to get his parents to leave, so he turned his back to them and quickly exchanged his briefs for a matching pair. He threw on a fresh t-shirt and pants.

“Alrighty, Luke. You all ready?” Dad asked.


“What was that?” Luke sighed.

“Yes, daddy!”

“Attaboy! One hour, starting now.” They stood there for a moment, smiling as Luke started gathering up his clothes into his hamper. He was so focused that he did not know how long it was before they left him alone. He tried to keep up cleaning unsupervised, but his mind soon began to wander.

Sitting by his bedroom door, he spied a pair of Toy Story clogs, one with Woody on it and the other with Buzz. They looked like the sort of shoes a preschooler would wear, but they were unfortunately his, fitting as if they were made for his feet.

The morning after the fateful fire drill, Luke had realized he did not have any shoes to wear. He dug to the very back of his closet to find an old pair of flip flops.

“You are not wearing those to school. It’s far too cold!” His mom said.

“But I left my sneakers at school because Liam wouldn’t let me grab them.” Luke protested. “You know, the fire drill?”

“You really don’t have any other shoes?”


“How’d you get home yesterday?” Luke blushed and sighed.

“Liam uh carried me.” His mom tried and failed to hide her smile.

“Liam, sweetie, would you mind carrying Luke to school today so he can get his shoes? I’m sure they’re still in the locker room or wherever you left them.”

“Yeah, the locker room.” Luke said. “Does he really have to carry me? Won’t it be colder for me to be barefoot than to wear these?” He held up the flip flops in a last ditch effort.

“I think you’ll be fine. It’s a short walk.” Mom said.

“You’re really going to let him carry me?”

“You better hurry if you want to get your shoes back before class starts.” Luke glared at her back as Liam scooped him up and set him against his shoulder.

“This is humiliating.” He muttered. Liam just chuckled.

“Remember, it was all mom’s idea.” He bounced Luke slightly. “At least it’s a short walk, hmm?”

“Never again.” Luke growled, his bare feet dangling. Liam chuckled and headed out the front door.

“Excited for school, Lukey poo?”

“Not like this.”

“You’ll get your shoes back and then you’ll be fine.” Liam said reassuringly. “We’ll go straight to the locker room. That’s where you left them, right?”

“You don’t need to come with me.”

“You can’t fly there, silly Lukey loo!” Liam chuckled. “I’m not letting you walk through the school barefoot. What if you hurt your precious little tootsies?”

“Shut up.” To his surprise, Liam actually listened and the remainder of the walk to the school passed in relative silence.

True to his word, Liam carried Luke directly to the locker room, but his shoes were not waiting for him. Liam kept Luke in his arms even as the boy squirmed and demanded to be put down, his higher voice echoing in the empty locker room.

“Inside voice.”

“Shuddup! Where are my shoes?”

“Look, we can go to the nurse. She always has spare shoes.” Luke bit back a pithy response. It actually was a reasonable suggestion.

“Ok.” He thought about asking Liam to put him down again, but he knew that there was no chance of that. He settled for hiding his face. It made him look like a shy little boy, but it at least meant that there was less of a chance that someone would recognize him.

The nurse's office was on the other side of the school, but they finally arrived there after what felt to Luke to be a small eternity. She smiled as she saw the unorthodox sight before her.

“Do you want to stay in my arms or get down now, Lukey pooky?” Liam asked. She heard the smaller boy in his arms mumble something and watched as he was deposited on the bed.

“What can I help you two with?”

“Luke's misplaced his shoes.” Liam said, grabbing one of Luke's bare feet as if the nurse needed proof. “Oh, someone's ticklish. I forgot.” Liam teased as Luke squirmed. “Do you have any that would fit him?” The nurse looked at Luke’s feet and her face wrinkled a bit as she thought.

“Most of them would be a bit on the big side for him, but” she went over to her desk and opened a drawer. “I thought I’d give these to my nephew since I didn’t think we had any students whose feet were small enough, but I think” she held up a pair of Toy Story clogs, Woody on one shoe and Buzz Lightyear on the other. “These might just fit you perfectly. Lukey, was it?” Luke was too distracted by the babyish shoes in her hands to answer.

“That’s his name.” Liam said proudly.

“Alright, let’s get these shoes on you so that your big brother doesn’t have to carry you everywhere, hmm?” Luke stared dumbly down at his feet as she slid the shoes onto them.

“What do you say, Luke?” Liam asked. Luke mumbled something that could have been a thank you. These were not his shoes! These were some preschooler’s shoes! What had happened to his?

“Can’t we go check the lost and found?” He asked Liam. Liam shook his head.

“School starts soon, kiddo. Maybe we can after school.” The school day came and went, but Luke never got a chance to check the lost and found. Liam found him and carried him home, taking his new shoes off and carrying them. It became an everyday thing, being carried to and from school. When Luke whined about it, his mom had said it was either get carried or Liam would push him in a stroller. Luke did not think he could fit in the stroller anymore, but the last thing he wanted to do was give them an excuse to try.

Luke returned to the present moment with the sinking feeling that he had been daydreaming for a long time. He had to clean, and fast! He moved like a whirling dervish, trying to clean everything at once. Somehow, it only seemed to make things worse. With all of his dirty clothes off of the floor, his hamper was filled to overflowing. He tried to push it down, but only succeeded in knocking over his hamper, spilling dirty clothes everywhere. He quickly dove on them to clean them up, but he heard the door creak.

“Time’s up, Luke.” His dad said, looking around the room. “It looks better in here, but I expected you to finish and this does not look finished.”

“I knocked over my hamper.” Luke explained sheepishly.

“A deal’s a deal, Luke.” Dad said. “Arms up.”


“Who am I, Luke?”

“Dad. Dy.”

“Try that again, kiddo.”

“You’re daddy.” He mumbled.

“And Daddy says arms up.” Luke sighed, but complied. His dad was not done yet though.

“Why’s it important to listen to Daddy?” He asked. Luke did not know, so he remained silent. “Is it because Daddy’s in charge?”

“I guess.”

“You guess or you know?”

“I know.”

“What do you know?” Luke barely stopped himself from whining. Why was his dad driving this home so much?

“Daddy’s in charge.”

“Who else is in charge?” His dad asked, finally pulling Luke’s t-shirt over his head.

“Mommy.” Luke stammered as his dad slipped his fingers into the elastic of Luke’s shorts and tugged them down, leaving him in just his underwear.

“That’s right. Do you remember why Mommy and Daddy are taking away your clothes?” “To motivate me to clean.” Luke mumbled.

“That’s right. Once your laundry is done and your room is clean, you can put your clothes back on. Liam’s going to be home around lunchtime, so I suggest you get it done before then, okay?”

“Yes, daddy.” Luke whispered.

“Alright, I think mommy said your blanket and sheets are ready to be moved, so why don’t you bring your hamper to the laundry room?” Luke begrudgingly complied, grateful at least that the large hamper covered the front of his underwear. He knew that hurrying to the washer and dryer only served to prove his parents’ point, but he could not keep himself from doing it, exposed as he was. All it would take was for the neighbor to happen past the window and Luke's shameful secret would be revealed.

“There you are.” His mom said as he came into the laundry room. “I got your blanket and sheets into the dryer for you.” She looked at him, clearly waiting for him to respond.

“Thank you, mommy.” He said.

“Go ahead and load the washer. Let’s do your whites first, okay?”


“Once you’re ready, come find me and I’ll start the washer for you, okay?”

“Yes, mommy.” Luke said, trying to gather up all of his white clothes as quickly as he could. He already did not like the increased attention his parents were giving him. He did not need this much direction! He knew, however, that telling them that would not accomplish anything, so he held his tongue, difficult as it was.

With the washing machine loaded, Luke went to find his mom, but she had apparently disappeared.

“Hey, dad, have you seen mom?” He asked, finding his dad in the living room. His dad did not look up. “Daddy.” Luke said with a sigh.

“Yes, Luke?”

“Have you seen Mommy?” Every time he had to say the childish words, his stomach twisted and he felt anger rising inside him.

“I think she’s in your room. Did you check there?” Puzzled, Luke went to his room and sure enough, his mom was there, cleaning his room.

“What are you doing?”

“Oh, just tidying up. Thought you’d like the help.”

“Uh, thank you, mommy?” Luke could not help feeling like there was something amiss. But what? He would have to investigate when she was not in the room.

“Why were you looking for me?”

“Oh, can you please start the washer for me? Mommy?” Luke felt as if his face must be red with rage from how much he was having to restrain himself.

“Of course, munchkin.” She said pleasantly. “How about you stay here and finish up while I get the washer going?”

“Ok.” Luke said, seizing the opportunity to try and figure out just what his mom had been doing alone in his room. He looked around the room, but nothing seemed amiss, other than there being fewer things on the floor. Maybe she really did just clean up a bit while he was loading the washing machine?

Determined to make absolutely sure his mom had not done anything, Luke checked every single drawer of his dresser. His heart skipped a beat as he realized the final drawer was his underwear drawer. Maybe, just maybe… his hand shook slightly as he pulled it open. He sighed as the all too familiar sight of a sea of white cotton came into view. He did not know why he had gotten his hopes up. Mom had only bought him new underwear a few days ago.

The trip to the store had been the day after his fateful trip to the nurse’s office, but mom was adamant that they would not be buying him new shoes.

“Please?” He begged as they crossed the parking lot, but mom remained firm.

“Those shoes are brand new still.”

“But they’re for toddlers!”

“They fit your feet. Are you a toddler?” Luke did not answer.

“I know you’re not a toddler!” Liam exclaimed, picking Luke up and kissing his cheek.”Lukey pooky boo is a big boy!” Luke squirmed, but Liam held him to his chest as they walked to the store. “You can get down when we’re inside.” Liam decreed, giving Luke a loving squeeze.

“We’re inside.” Luke said the second Liam’s foot crossed the threshold. He was not even surprised when Liam did not put him down.

“Almost there.” He said, kissing Luke’s cheek.


“We’re in public, Luke.” Mom scolded. Liam carried Luke over to a cart and set him down in the little seat.

“Hey! Stop!’ Luke protested as Liam buckled him in. “Get me out of this thing!”

“Liam, stop tormenting your brother.” Mom said. “But leave him in there while I get a picture.”

“Is that all?” Luke asked acerbically.



“Thank you so much for indulging me, your majesty.” Mom said, pulling out her phone.

“Ooh, me too.” Liam said, fishing out his own. Luke glared at both of them, but the photos that they showed him were of a little boy petulantly pouting in the cart.

“Can I get out now? Mom? Mom?” She began to push the cart.

“Don't kick me, Luke.” She said as he squirmed. “I think we'll keep you here so you don't get lost again. It was at this store, you know.”

“Yeah, like ten years ago! Liam was still in diapers!”

“It was last year, Luke.” Mom said, tapping his nose. “No time for fibbing little Lukes.”

“Don't call me that.” He muttered sullenly. He sat in the cart sulking as they did their shopping. Even when they came to the boys department to get him new underwear, he just rolled his eyes and muttered darkly as his mom held up a package of white briefs before placing them in the cart. He did not even respond when Liam pointed to a pair of Toy Story pajamas, commenting on how they matched his new shoes.

“You sleep in your tighty whities, that’s right. You don’t need jammies.” Liam said with a grin, but Luke could have sworn he looked at the price tag before following them to the front of the store.

By the time the last load of laundry was in the dryer, Luke’s room was clean. It looked odd, almost unlived in to him, but his parents were thrilled.

“Was that so hard?” His dad asked with mock severity, barely able to keep the smile from his face as he bunched Luke’s shirt in his hands.

“No, daddy.” Luke mumbled.

“Arms up.”

“I’m very impressed, Lukey.” Mom said.

“Thank you, mommy.” Had she just called him Lukey? That was Liam’s thing! The last thing the teenager wanted was for the whole family to start calling him that. He distracted himself by pulling on his shorts before either of his parents tried to help him.

“Bet you’re ready for lunch.” Mom said. Luke had to admit that he was. He followed his mom out of his room, deeply relieved that he was finally back in clothes again. Walking around in his underwear all morning had been, in a word, weird.

Lunch proved to be a peanut butter and jelly sandwich cut into squares and a glass of milk. Luke privately pouted about the childish lunch, but knew better than to voice his thoughts, even as he glared at Liam’s old Spongebob plate that had somehow found its way out of storage to serve as his lunch’s plate.

“Liam should be home any minute.” Mom said, smiling at him. “Here, wipe your face with a napkin.” Luke took it and scrubbed his face. How had he got peanut butter all the way on the other side of his cheek? “I have an idea.” Mom said. “Why don’t you go open the door and surprise Liam?”

“Why?” Luke asked. He knew all too well that her suggestion was more of an order.

“Go on. He’s coming up the driveway right now.” Luke sighed and walked over to the door. He opened it just as Liam came bounding up the steps.

“Lukey!” Liam exclaimed, scooping him up without even breaking stride and kissing him as he kicked off his shoes effortlessly. “Ooh, little bit of peanut butter on your cheek, Lukey.” Luke recoiled as Liam licked his thumb and wiped his cheek with it. “Did you have peanut butter and jelly for lunch?” Luke just looked away, furious that he was once again off the ground in Liam’s arms. He felt Liam grab his chin and turn his face toward him so he had to look at his brother’s, his little brother’s!, gently smiling face. “How was your morning, little guy?”

“He was very productive. He got all his laundry done and even cleaned his room!”

“Wow!” Liam said. “How’d you get all that done in just a few hours?”

“Why don’t you tell him about our new motivator?”

“But mom!”

“That’s Mommy.” She said sternly. “Tell him, Luke. He’s going to find out sooner rather than later”


“C’mon, Lukey. You can tell me.” Liam said, sitting down on the couch, but keeping ahold of Luke no matter how he squirmed. “Not letting you go until you tell me.”

“I had to do them in just my underwear.” Luke whispered. Liam pulled him away from his shoulder, setting the boy on his lap and looking down at him in surprise.

“Mom and dad made you do your chores in just your undies?” Luke did not know if Liam was a spy for them or not. Was this a test? He could not risk it. Even if Liam was not a spy, he would probably make Luke say mommy and daddy.

“Mommy and daddy” he shuddered as Liam snorted. “They thought I’d move faster if I was embarrassed about them seeing me in my underwear.”

“Then why are you in clothes now?” Luke made an annoyed noise. Why would he not be in clothes?

“Cuz I earned them back by doing my chores.” Luke said bashfully.

“Well, I think we should take a photo of you in your best big boy pose.” He set Luke down on the floor, smirking at the little boy before him. “Show me your big boy pose.”

“Why are you doing this?”

“I know you’re tired from doing all your chores this morning, Lukey.” Liam said sympathetically. “So I’ll forgive your whining.”

“I’m not whining!” Liam just shrugged and fished his phone out of his shorts.

“Smile for the photo, Mr. Big Boy!” Luke tried his best to smile, but he had a nagging suspicion that Liam was planning something.

As if on cue, Liam picked up a large plastic shopping bag he had brought in with him. “In fact, I think you’ve earned the surprises I got you.” He smiled as Luke could not help showing his curiosity on his face. “How about you go get Mommy and Daddy so they can see too?” Luke felt his stomach drop. This could not be good. He patted Luke’s bottom. “Go on, kiddo, or do we have to strip you to your undies to motivate you? That’s what Mommy and Daddy think, hmm?” Liam grinned as Luke hurried away. He was too easy to manipulate sometimes.

Luke found his mom in his parents’ office, sorting some papers. He stood by the door, remembering that he was not allowed to enter their office without permission. Her back was to him, so he tried to figure out some way to get her attention without it seeming like he was being rude. He made a small noise, but his mom did not seem to hear over the shuffling of papers.

“Mom?” He said softly. She did not react. “Mommy?”

“Yes, baby?” She turned immediately. Luke winced at the b word. “Sorry, Lukey. It slipped out.” Luke did not think she looked sorry at all, but he pressed on.

“Liam’s home and he wants to show us all something.”

“How exciting! I’ll be there in just a minute.” Luke turned to leave, but thought of something. “Um, do you know where Daddy is?”

“I think he’s in the backyard.” Luke turned to leave again, but he heard his mom clear her throat. “Aren’t you forgetting something?”

“No? Oh, thank you mommy.” She nodded approvingly and Luke headed toward the backyard to find his dad.

As Luke emerged into the backyard, he wondered just what it was Liam had to show them. The past few days, it had been impossible to predict anything Liam was planning. Everything had gone against him ever since the fire drill, it seemed.

Spying his dad, he hurried over to him. His dad was busy pulling weeds out of the garden and did not turn as the bare footed boy neared him.

“Hey, dad. Liam wants to show us all something.” His dad turned.

“Sorry, what was that, buddy?”

“Liam wants”

“No, I heard that. I was curious what you called me.”

“Oh, um daddy.” His dad nodded.

“Like we’ve told you, Luke. You don’t need to say mom and dad just because your big brother does.” He stood and groaned, stretching his back. “You should be proud to still be daddy’s little boy.” He smiled and picked Luke up, setting him against his hip. “There are sharp pebbles and bits of broken glass out here. Why are you out here in your bare feet?”

“Oh, I forgot.”

“You have those nice new Toy Story shoes. You should’ve slipped those on or asked Liam to help you.” Luke bristled at the notion that he would need Liam to help him put on those dumb clogs. “Well?”

“Yes, daddy.” He mumbled.

“Attaboy. You’re Daddy’s little boy, aren’t you?”

“Yes, daddy.” Luke mumbled as he carried the tiny teenager into the house.

“We’re coming, we’re coming.” He called as they walked toward the living room.

“Oh, I’ll take him.” Liam said, holding his arms out for Luke. Luke felt his face grow even more red as his dad handed him off to his brother without even a second’s hesitation. Liam set him on his lap and smiled at him. “We’ll get to your presents in a sec, but first” he opened a blue plastic tub of baby wipes. “Let’s get our messy little boy all presentable.”

“Liam!” Luke whined as he took a wipe and started wiping his face.

“I gave you a napkin, Lukey.” Mom said. “Not Liam’s fault you were not thorough enough.”

“Thorough means wiping everywhere.”

“I know!” Luke protested as Liam gave his face a very substantial wiping.

“Now for your hands. Little Lukey’s fingers get so sticky!”

“Liam!” Luke protested again, squirming on his brother’s lap. “Stop! This is embarrassing!”

“Getting clean shouldn’t be embarrassing, Lukey pookie.” Liam chided. “But tell you what, let me wipe your fingers and then we’ll give you your first present. Mom, I think the one I showed you first, don’t you?” Luke looked at her inquisitively as she nodded. “May I wash your hands, Lukey?”

“Sure.” Luke muttered. He stared down at his hands as Liam wiped them with the baby wipes, noticing just how much his hands were dwarfed by Liam’s. Why was his little brother so much bigger than him? It did not make any sense. They had the same mommy and daddy. Mom and dad, Luke quickly corrected. Were they getting to him?

“All clean!” Liam exclaimed, kissing Luke’s cheek. “Ah, now it doesn’t taste like peanut butter. It tastes like what, Lukey?”


“That’s right! It tastes like a clean little boy!”


“Alright, ready for your first present?” Liam asked. Luke nodded. “Close your eyes, Lukey!” Luke knew that this had to be a trap, but he complied. “And open your mouth in three, two, one.” Luke again obeyed and felt something rubber plunge in. His eyes flew open and could just barely see the shield of the blue pacifier that now sat in his mouth.

“What the?” He tried to spit it out, but Liam held a finger over it.

“You’re supposed to suck on it, Lukey.” He said gently.

“It’s a pacifier!” He turned to look at his parents, but neither of them seemed to think anything was amiss about a teenager sitting on his little brother’s lap, sucking on a pacifier.

“That’s right, Luke.” His mom said. “We think it’ll help you calm down when you’re in a mood.”


“From now on,” Liam said. “Whenever Mommy or Daddy or I put that in your mouth, you’re going to suck on it. If you don’t, you’ll be in trouble, okay?”


“Shh,” Liam cooed. “Suck on your new present while I get you clean for your next present.”

“What? I’m clean!”

“You were outside barefoot, weren’t you?” Liam said. Luke grumbled. “Shh, suck on your pacifier while I wipe your feet off, okay?” Luke glared daggers up at him, but he did not seem to notice, shushing Luke gently while he wiped his feet off with another baby wipe. “Lukey’s got ticklish tootsies, yes he does!” Liam teased as Luke squirmed.

Once Liam was absolutely satisfied with Luke’s feet, he kissed the boy’s forehead, smiling as the pacifier remained in his mouth.

“Alright, what’s the next present?” He wondered out loud. He smiled and pulled out a light blue t-shirt and matching shorts. The t-shirt had Woody, Bullseye, and Buzz Lightyear on it. “Just like your shoes!”

“Are those pajamas?” Luke asked the best he could around his pacifier. He hated it, but he knew spitting it out would only make Liam and his parents mad.

“Not quite.” Liam said. “You sleep in your undies, remember?” Liam unfolded them. “Let’s try them on and then I’ll explain what they’re for.” In no time, he had Luke stripped back down to his white briefs, planting a swat on his bottom for his attempts to fight Liam’s undressing of him. “You’re almost too cute to cover up your little undies.” Liam remarked, smiling at his older brother in just his juvenile underwear and the pacifier. “But we need to make sure everything fits!”

The first thing Luke noticed about the shorts was that they were far shorter than the pair he had just been wearing. Those had covered his knees, but these? They came to mid-thigh, if that.

“They’re too small.”

“No, I think they fit you perfectly.” Mom remarked. “They cover your underwear, don’t they?”

“Why do I need pajamas?” Luke demanded, looking from face to face.

“They’re not jammies, Luke. You’ll still sleep in your undies.” Liam said. “These are your comfy clothes. You’ll wear them around the house and places like that. Basically, you’re going to have school clothes and not school clothes, understand?”

“What?” Liam chuckled and pulled Luke back into his lap.

“Every afternoon, you’ll come home with me. We’ll take off your school clothes and then you’ll wear your comfy clothes until bedtime, see?”

“But why?”

“Cuz your school clothes aren’t very comfortable. You’ll have a lot more fun playing in these.”

“I don’t want”

“Lukey, this is a very nice gift. Liam spent a lot of money on you.” Mom scolded.

“Thank your big brother, Luke.” His dad interjected. He could not believe his ears! They were okay with this? More than that, they seemed satisfied somehow. Did they want him to be a baby?

“Thank you” he muttered, feeling terribly defeated. He could feel tears welling up in his eyes. “Thank you for my presents.” As he saw in the bag that there were a few other pajama sets, each as childish and colorful as those he was wearing, it proved too much. He sniffled and began to cry.

“Oh, Lukey.” Liam cooed, hugging him and gently rocking him in his arms. “I know, I know. It’s a lot to take in, but trust me. This will be good for you.”

“I’m not” Luke choked out around his tears and sobs. “I’m not a little boy!”

“Shh, shh, big brother’s here, Lukey loo.” Liam cooed. “Go on and cry out all your confusion.”

“Liam! I am not a” The pacifier tumbled from his mouth, but Liam picked it back up.

“Here’s your pacifier back, Lukey. Maybe it’ll help you remember your inside voice.” Somehow, the pacifier being pushed back into his mouth calmed Luke, but he still felt so terribly confused.

“Liam, stop! This isn’t funny! I am not”

“Shh, don’t start crying again.” Liam said. “I promise you’ll like your next present a lot more.” He took a baby wipe and cleaned up Luke’s face, although it was still red from crying and embarrassment. “This one will be the best. I promise.”

“What is it?” Luke asked, feeling worn out from his breakdown.

“ Close your eyes!”

“It’s not another pacifier, is it?”

“Close your eyes, Lukey pookie.” Liam said. Luke rolled his eyes before closing them. “Three, two, one.” This time, instead of a rubber pacifier, Luke felt a soft something brush his hand. “Open your eyes, Lukey!” Luke opened them to see a smiling ursine face looking back at him.

“A teddy bear!”

“Your new best friend!” Liam announced happily. In addition to his smile, the bear had a blue and white striped bow tie.

“I don’t”

“Shh, suck on your paci.” Liam said. “From now on, this bear is going to be your responsibility, Luke. You’ll sleep with him, you’ll play with him, you’ll tell him about your day. Every morning, you’ll tuck him into bed before you go to school and right after school, you’ll give him kisses and hugs because that’s what teddy bears eat.”

“I’m fourteen years old, for gods sakes.”

“He doesn’t mind, Lukey. He loves you all the same. And I bet when you want to pretend to be big, he’ll pretend right along with you.” Luke stared at Liam.

“You’ve lost your mind.”

“You can think on it for a bit.” Liam said. He shifted Luke against his shoulder and stood up, holding the bear against his back. “But for now, I think our fussy little boy needs a nap.”

“Nap?” The pacifier fell from his lips, but his dad skillfully caught it before it hit the floor.

“What do you say, Luke?” His dad asked.

“Thank you, daddy.” He muttered as Liam snickered.

“That’s one sleepy little boy.” Dad said as he watched Liam carry Luke out of the living room.

“I am not taking a nap.”

“You are. You and your teddy bear. I expect you to give him a name by bedtime, by the way.”

“Liam, you can’t keep doing this.”

“Can too.” Liam said as he set Luke down on his bed. “Aw, look. Your blankie and sheets are still warm from the dryer. You’ll be so cozy!”

“Liam, seriously!”

“Lukey, I am going to give you one last freebie before you start getting in trouble for spitting out your paci.” He put it back in Luke’s mouth. “Lukey’s nookie.” He teased. “Now let’s get your comfy clothes off.”


“Well, you were the one who was so adamant about not wearing jammies, weren’t you?” He pulled Luke’s shirt off. “Can you take off your shorts like a big boy?” Luke grumbled into the pacifier as he complied. “And now into bed you get!”

“I am not taking a nap!” Liam shrugged and lifted the boy into the air before depositing him in the bed.

“You always take naps on the weekends, Lukey. Just like you take a nap every day after school.”

“You’ve really lost your mind.”

“I’ll stay here with you until you drift off to sleep. Here, take Teddy.” He pulled the blanket over the nearly naked little teenager, tucking the teddy bear in next to him. He smiled and lay down on the other side of Luke. “Your new bear and I made a Lukey sandwich!” He teased. He brushed a strand of hair off of Luke’s forehead. “Close your eyes and suck on your pacifier. The sooner you’re asleep, the sooner I’m gone.” He kissed Luke’s cheek. “Sweet dreams, little Lukey. Your big brother loves you oh so very much.”


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