Get A Haircut!

“Your hair is almost longer than Abby’s!” Jaxon’s mom said, playing with his long hair.

“I like it like this.”

“You don’t even take care of it.” His mom replied. “And I’ve told you again and again”

“I know.” He interjected. “Get it cut or start taking care of it.” She smiled and nodded as she pulled into a parking spot.

“I thought we were going to Sam’s. I always get my hair cut there.”

“The barber was full today and you really need a haircut, so we’re at the salon Abby and I go to.” Jaxon grumbled, but a haircut was a haircut, right? Once he was sitting in the chair with a pink cape over him, he was starting to have reservations.

“Alright, let’s get Miss Jaxon all pretty.” Ashleigh, the stylist, said breezily.

“Um, I’m actually a boy.” Jaxon said. Ashleigh giggled.

“Sorry, cutie. Don’t get many boys here.” She said. “So, we’ll start with a nice relaxing shampooing and then we’ll get your hair cut. Your mommy said you were pretty new here, so she gave us exactly what you’re looking for, okay? Just relax.” Jaxon nodded.

The shampooing ended up being a bit too relaxing, feeling Ashleigh’s fingers massaging his scalp. Jaxon suddenly remembered just how late he had stayed up the night before and found himself dozing off.

“Jaxon, time to wake up.” He heard his mom’s voice and he slowly opened his eyes. He was still in the chair at the salon, the pink cape now gone.

“You napped through your whole treatment!” Ashleigh said. She smiled and turned the chair around and Jaxon gasped as he saw his reflection. His hair was just as long, if not longer somehow, with a gentle wave to it that made it look far more feminine. His lips had a light pink lip gloss on them now and even his nails had been trimmed and painted pink.

“What happened?” He breathed, gaping at his reflection. Even in his boy clothes, he looked unmistakably like a girl.

“You kept coming up with excuses to not get your hair cut.” His mom said. “Since you don’t care about your hair, I figured I’d choose for you. This is your hairstyle until school starts in a month. You’ll be coming with me or Abby once a week to get your nails done and you better believe you’re going to learn to touch up your lip gloss every single time you need to.” Ashleigh leaned over and fussed a bit more over his hair.

“Careful. He might not want to go back to boy hair after a month of this!” She teased, Jaxon still in shock. How had this happened?


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