Get A Haircut: Pigtails

True to her word, Jaxon’s mom made him maintain his hair to the utmost degree. Much to his chagrin, his little sister Abby was often enlisted to help him remember to brush his hair thoroughly before bed. He blushed as he sat in front of the vanity mirror in his mom’s room, brushing his hair out. Thanks to his long, wavy hair, pink lips, and pink nails, he was almost constantly mistaken for a girl, no matter how masculinely he tried to dress. Sitting there in front of the mirror in his Avengers pajamas, brushing his hair, even he had to admit he looked like a girl.

He tried over and over to convince his mom to let him get it cut early, but she steadfastly refused, reminding him that he was getting so good at taking care of his hair now. Every week at his mani-pedi, Ashleigh complimented how beautiful his hair looked now. Desperate to find some way out, Jaxon insisted that his neck got hot from his hair, but that only encouraged them to experiment with buns before deciding that pigtails suited the nascent sissy. Soon it became his everyday hairstyle, despite his protests that the pigtails were distracting. What really annoyed him was that he was now being mistaken for Abby’s little sister!

“You’ll get used to it, Jaxon.” Abby said as she watched him put his hair in pigtails for the day. “You’ve still got three weeks left until your haircut!” She grinned and handed him the all-too familiar tube. “Don’t forget your lip gloss!”


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