Get A Haircut: Back to School Shopping

 School was just around the corner and Jaxon was getting anxious about his pigtails. His mom promised that after they finished getting him and Abby new clothes for school, they’d go to Sam’s to finally get his hair cut.

“I’m glad you’re finally willing.” She said with a smile before sending her pigtail-wearing son off to the boys’ section to find clothes.

“Excuse me, little girl?” A salesperson said. “The girls section is actually over there.” Jaxon looked up in shock.

“Um” Even after staring at his sissy reflection for a month, it still stung to be mistaken for a girl. Still, with pink lip gloss, pigtails, and white painted nails, he knew that it would be more embarrassing to try to convince the employee that he was a boy. “Thank you.” He walked across the aisle to the girls’ section and pretended to look at the dresses. He had to spend nearly ten minutes wandering the girls’ section until the employee finally moved on and he could return to the boys’ clothes. He had just finished when his mom and Abby came over.

“Are you sure we can’t get him Frozen jammies? No one will even know!” Abby said, smirking at her brother. “I mean, he looks like a girl!”

“Enough. You’re just jealous that Jaxon’s hair is prettier than yours.” Now more than ever, Jaxon was counting down the minutes until he could get his boy haircut.


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