Get A Haircut: Babysitter

 As Jaxon dried off from his bath, he tried to figure out some way to delay the inevitable. The inevitable in this case was Cindy, the babysitter downstairs. For the entire evening, she had complimented just about everything about Jaxon, from his pigtails to his pink lip gloss to, most embarrassing of all, his ‘silky smooth’ legs and armpits. Even when Jaxon had tried to explain that he was a boy, he had been too embarrassed to come out and actually say it, so Cindy had settled on the idea that he was a rough and tumble tomboy, but a girl nonetheless. It did not help that before she had gone out with their mom for the evening, Abby had somehow gotten Cindy to call him Jaxy, which sounded downright feminine to his fragile male ego.

"Almost done in here?" Cindy asked, poking her head into the bathroom. Jaxon yelped, glad he had his towel over himself.

"Uh yeah."

"Get your jammies on and then come downstairs. I'll brush your hair for you, Jaxy."

"I usually do it myself." He said meekly.

"Guess tonight will be a special treat then!" She left him to mull that over. When Jaxon got to his room, however, he found Cindy sitting on his bed.

"I need to get dressed." He mumbled, pushing his hair out of his eyes.

"I know, Jaxy. I just wanted to give you some input on your jammies."

"I was just going to grab a pair out of the dresser."

"Well, I found this nightie hanging in your closet." Jaxon stared at it, nose wrinkled. It must have been one of Abby's old nighties, bright pink and sparkly with a smiling cameo of Barbie on the chest. She must have snuck it into his closet earlier. "I know it's not what you usually wear, but I thought it might be fun to show you how pretty you are when you're not hiding it in boy clothes." She stood up. "Get dressed in your nightie, put on your lip gloss, and come downstairs. I'll brush your hair and we'll get you all pretty for when your mom and sister get home. I bet they'll be very impressed!"

When Abby and her mom arrived home from their girls' night at the movies, they were both amazed and amused to find Jaxon sitting in front of Cindy in the nightgown, getting his long hair brushed as Cindy cooed in his ear about how pretty his hair was now that he actually looked like a girl. It was so precious that they could not even bring themselves to expose Cindy's mistake, not that they really wanted to.


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