Rainbow Day

Bobby listened to his sisters chatter as he stood in his room, surveying his outfit for Rainbow Day. He could not put his finger on why, but every year, he felt the drive to go all out for this particular day. Last year, he had worn pajamas that were colorful stripes from head to toe, but this year, he was going a little more, what was that word mom had used, eclectic. He had a blue sock, a green sock, red shorts, an orange t-shirt, and the piece de resistance, a tie dye cape. When he had modeled it the night before, everyone had agreed it was eye-catching to say the least. Nothing could be done about his boring underwear (dad had jokingly suggested tie dying it), but he shrugged it off and got dressed.

Almost as soon as his fingers touched his underwear to pull them on, the door flew open. The latch was broken again, so he had tried to prop it closed with a few books, but clearly, that did not work. His sisters flooded in.

"Perfect, he's not even dressed yet." Bobby was the youngest of four. He had three older sisters, all who thought he was the most annoying twerp on the planet. They moved toward him with a singular purpose.

"Since you ratted us out" Laurie, the oldest, said as she filled his mouth with a bandana before covering it with tape, silencing his questions and protests.

"We're gonna help you have an unforgettable Rainbow Day!" Ashley tutted as she saw his underwear. "Those won't do for our little Bobby. We need to make sure you're the talk of the town. Or the school, I guess."

Bobby tried to fight back all the more once he saw what they had planned for him. It was rainbow, but nothing like what the coolest boy in his class should be wearing.

"Everyone loved me in this for my dance recital." Ashley said as she forced a pair of ill-fitting ballet slippers onto his feet. "But you really pull it off!"

Between the three of them, they were more than able to get him out of his room and out to the backseat of Laurie's car. He yelled, screamed, begged, and pleaded, but it all came out as inarticulate squeals thanks to his gag.

"Next time we go to a party, keep your big mouth shut." Becky said, holding him in place as Laurie drove them to Bobby's middle school. They were serious. They were really going to send Bobby to school in this rainbow ballet dress!

"We're going to take the tape off now, Bobbykins." Becky said. "But if you try to scream for help, you're only going to draw more attention to yourself. Understand?" He curtly nodded.

"So you're going to be a good little boy?" Ashley asked, playing with his skirt as if to drive home that he was not dressed at all like a little boy. He nodded again, sealing his fate.

Bobby yelped as the duct tape removed what little peach fuzz he had on his upper lip as Laurie tore it off. He spat out the sodden bandana.

"Why?" He asked, voice trembling.

"To help you win Rainbow Day." The girls said in almost unison. He whimpered as they pulled him out of the car and insisted on escorting him all the way to class, grinning as everyone stopped and gaped, too stunned to laugh, at least for now. Bobby tried his best to ignore them. Sure, today he was a rainbow sissy, but tomorrow, he would be back to his old self. Plus, this would definitely seal his status as the absolute best at Rainbow Day, right?


  1. This seems very, very mean. Too mean. And the costume he had planned sounded adorable. I think we seems have a sequel where he's able to wear it


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