Get A Haircut: Sam the Barber


After dropping Abby and the new clothes off at home, Jaxon and his mom drove to Sam’s. He could barely contain his excitement, but his mom kept talking about how she was going to miss his pigtails.

“You’re not going to keep it at least long enough to brush?”

“No way.” Jaxon said. “I’m getting it buzzed for sure!”

“We’re here. Want me to come in?”

“Naw, it shouldn’t take long.” Jaxon said, jumping out of the car.

“Can I help you?” Sam asked as Jaxon walked in.

“I really need a haircut.” Jaxon said with a chuckle.

“Uh, sorry, princess, we don’t do girls’ hair.”

“Sam, it’s me, Jaxon? Jaxon Hatch?”

“Sorry, doesn’t matter who you are. We just don’t do girls’ hair.” His eyes filling up with tears, Jaxon fled out to the car.

“He thought I was a girl! Mom, can you go in and tell him?”

“You didn’t want me to come in, so we’ll just go to the salon, kiddo.” Before Jaxon knew it, he was in the chair in front of Ashleigh, pink cape around his neck. Despite his whiny protests, she insisted on freshening up his lip gloss, but at least she did not laugh when he glumly explained what happened at Sam’s. She undid his pigtails and brushed his hair.

“So what are we doing?”

“Buzz it.” He said firmly.

“C’mon, sweetie.” Ashleigh said. “Your hair’s much too pretty to cut it all off.”

“I’m a boy though.” He mumbled.

“We’ll just get it cleaned up.” Ashleigh said. “You’ve been working on this length for so long, I wouldn’t want to ruin all your hard work.” Before Jaxon could argue, she turned to his mom. “Are we doing a mani-pedi as well?” Ashleigh asked. Jaxon gasped as his mom nodded.

“We’ll just do clear polish on his fingers, but he can pick whatever color for his toes. No reason to stop with the weekly mani-pedis, even with school starting, hmm?” Jaxon gulped. How was he going to get out of this?


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