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The Pink Box

Dylan sighed as he wracked his brain. He needed something for Mother's Day, but what? Flowers, candy, candles, it all seemed so cliché. Mom had been making a huge deal out of how he was moving out now that school was nearly over, so he figured the least he could do was get her something memorable. “Can't wait to get out of this dumb town.” He muttered to himself as he left the fourth store empty-handed. “Looking for a Mother's Day gift?” A peppy woman said from a kiosk. Normally, Dylan just ignored that sort of thing, but he found himself walking over. “Isn't everyone?” “That's fair.” She conceded. “But let me guess, nothing seems right?” “Yeah.” “Moms can be so hard to shop for.” She picked up a small pink box from the table in front of her. “But this? This is exactly what she wants.” “What is it?” It looked like a jewelry box wrapped in a lacy white ribbon. It fit nicely in the woman's hand, so jewelry seemed right. “It's what your mom wants. Her

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