TWV: Hangover

Aiden groaned as he slowly woke up. What had woke him up so freaking early, he wondered as his head pounded. He heard one of his brothers screaming downstairs and groaned again. They were always so loud first thing in the morning! It did not help that he had one hell of a hangover. If he were smart, it might have kept him from going out partying, but he still did it each and every Friday.

Kicking off the covers, Aiden could not shake the feeling that something was wrong. He stood up a bit shaky, and scratched his butt, his fingers stopping as he realized that the cloth under them did not feel right. He looked down and gasped. This had to be a dream, right? His boxers were gone and right there, covering his bulge, was unmistakably a pair of white briefs.

"What the fuck?" He groaned, grabbing his forehead as it felt like it was about to split. Where had these come from? This could not be a dream; it was too weird. But seriously, he had switched out of tighty whities in what? Third, fourth grade? Even his little brothers had not worn them in at least a couple years.

He stumbled over to his dresser. Since the drawer was slightly ajar, he could see even before he reached it the horrifying sight that awaited him. His underwear drawer was stocked not with the normal boxers but with white briefs. Even the hamper in the corner had a couple pairs right on top for anyone to see. What was going on? If this was some prank, whoever was doing it was bizarrely dedicated.

Aiden was so perplexed by this, not to mention still terribly hungover, so all he could do was stand there in the middle of his room for a moment, frozen by his confusion. It took a moment for his feet to complain about the cold floor under them and Aiden resolved to figure something out. First things first, he had to get dressed, even if it meant wearing little boy tighty whities for the moment. As he turned to go back over to his dresser, the door opened.

"Good, you're up. Breakfast is on the table." He turned to stare at his mom.

"Mom! Get out!"

"Don't talk to me like that, mister. Get downstairs. We eat breakfast as a family."


"I don't care if you overslept. It wouldn't be the first time one of you boys ate breakfast in his underwear." Did she honestly not notice he was wearing tighty whities and not his usual boxers? She did laundry. She had to know something was wrong. "Come on." He tried to stammer some reason why he could not go downstairs, even as she pulled him out of his room. She may not have noticed something weird, but he knew his brothers would.

Sure enough, as soon as his mom and Aiden reached the dining room, their faces lit up as they saw their older brother wearing the dorkiest underwear imaginable. Actually, Aiden thought, it could have been worse if he had had Power Rangers or something on them, but the plain white cotton still seemed to almost glow, as if inviting each and every person to stare at him.

"Had to drag him out of bed." Mom said to her husband's inquisitive look. Aiden glared at his brothers, who were giggling and whispering to one another.

"Can't I go get-"

"No." His dad said. "We eat breakfast as a family. Sit." Aiden sat sullenly, groaning as the sound of his chair scraping on the floor sent tremors through his aching head. He shivered slightly as he realized how cold it was in the dining room. This was so unfair! How could they make him do this? With the windows open, the neighbors could probably even see his humiliating underwear. Why was he in them? Where had all his boxers gone? It made no sense. How did thinking make his head hurt so much? He was too fucking hungover.

Aiden picked at his food so much, his parents could not help but notice.

"Are you feeling alright?" His mom asked. "You're looking a little pale."

"Like his underwear." Aiden swore he heard his brothers whisper. He glared at them and they just stuck their tongues out back at him.

"Your underwear?" Mom repeated. "Oh, really. You lost your appetite because I dared to make you eat in your underwear? Alright, fine. If it's that big of a deal, go get dressed. But don't you dare go back to bed. I want you back down here in two minutes to finish your breakfast." Relieved, Aiden dashed away, even if it meant giving his brothers yet another free show of his tighty whities clad bottom.


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