Luke & Liam: Winter Concert
"Do you see our house, Luke?" Liam asked. Luke nodded, though even that was tough in his restrictive outfit. Ever since fall had turned to winter, Luke had been dressed in a green and blue snowsuit every single time they went outside. Liam insisted it was to help him stay warm and it certainly accomplished that. Luke felt warm each and every morning standing at his locker while Liam unzipped him and extracted him from it, blushing as everyone around pretended not to notice the adorable scene. The end of the day was only slightly better since Liam brought the snowsuit to the kindergarten classroom where Luke spent his afternoons. "Bet you're excited to get home." Luke nodded again. Pointing out how unfair it was that Liam got to wear a light jacket and a stocking cap while he was so bundled, only his face showed had gotten him told that pouting babies are the cutest. “Besides,” Liam had said. “It's much more appropriate than running outside in your tighty wh