The Boy in the Bubble
Hey, true believers! It's me, the ghost of Stan Lee, possessing Andlat to tell you this is a sequel to another story: “Here comes Jayjay Cottontail, hopping down the baby trail!” “Shuddup.” Jaden muttered, glaring at his brother. Ever since what Jaden called the Garden Party Incident, Aiden had been insufferable. Mom had promised not to show anyone other than Dad the photos of him all dressed up and diapered like a giant baby, but Aiden was nowhere near as reasonable. Jaden had had to buy Aiden's silence, which was giving up his boxer briefs and returning, not just to briefs, but to underoos. Pokémon was cool, but not when you were wearing white briefs with blue piping and Marill on your butt! Still, it was not like Jaden had completely taken it laying down. He could not do anything that would outright be seen as revenge, but a careful comment to Mom about where Aiden hid his beloved Power Ranger pajamas felt prop