
Showing posts from August, 2024

The Boy in the Bubble

Hey, true believers! It's me, the ghost of Stan Lee, possessing Andlat to tell you this is a sequel to another story: “Here comes Jayjay Cottontail, hopping down the baby trail!” “Shuddup.” Jaden muttered, glaring at his brother. Ever since what Jaden called the Garden Party Incident, Aiden had been insufferable. Mom had promised not to show anyone other than Dad the photos of him all dressed up and diapered like a giant baby, but Aiden was nowhere near as reasonable. Jaden had had to buy Aiden's silence, which was giving up his boxer briefs and returning, not just to briefs, but to underoos. Pokémon was cool, but not when you were wearing white briefs with blue piping and Marill on your butt! Still, it was not like Jaden had completely taken it laying down. He could not do anything that would outright be seen as revenge, but a careful comment to Mom about where Aiden hid his beloved Power Ranger pajamas felt prop

The Newest Ballerina: Parade

"Dalton! Get out of bed this minute!" Dalton jolted awake, sitting up and rubbing at his eyes. "Wha?" "Did you forget?" His dad asked incredulously. "Forget what?" That was met with a sigh. "You promised Emily you'd help with her parade float." "What? When?" "Don't you play dumb, mister. You're not getting out of this. If you promised her, you're doing it." "I didn't!" Why would he? Emily's ballet studio had a float in the town parade and why on earth, after everything that had happened, would Dalton want anything to do with that? "Uh-huh." "I swear!" "Why would your sister lie?" Because that's all she does. Dalton thought acerbically. He almost expected Emily to be peering at him with a smirk behind dad, but he could hear her laughing about something downstairs. Great. "Get dressed or I'll drag you downstairs." "I'm in my und

The Newest Ballerina: Recital

Still mad about the ballet class he had had to take, the last place on earth Dalton wanted to be was at Emily's ballet recital. He had tried to tell his parents he had homework to do, but they had insisted he support his sister. "No one does homework on Friday night anyway." His mom said. So Dalton now found himself standing in the lobby, waiting to go inside as his parents had what sounded like the single most boring conversation in history with other grown-ups. If only they had bought his lie about homework, he could be at home, watching a movie or playing a game. "Oh! Dalton, would you quick run this backstage?" His dad handed him a duffel bag he had been holding. "What is it?" "Emily insisted she needs it and I forgot I had it until just now." Dad said with a shrug. "Just go quick. We'll be sitting down soon." He forced the bag into Dalton's arms, signaling the conversation was over. "Thanks, bud." ~ D ~ Dalto

Brian Booboo

“Aw, you’re so cute!” Max said mockingly. “Shuddup.” Brian muttered. “Grandma’s the one who said it.” “You’re in a sailor suit too!” He said, shifting on the hard wooden chair, all too similar to the one he had stood on for the photo with his cousins. “Yeah, but somehow, it looks mature compared to you.” Matt snorted. “Compared to him!” Max insisted. “Seriously, dude, you’re ten and too old to be dressed like that, but look at Brian. Fits him like a glove.” “It does not!” Brian insisted. “I feel just as ridiculous as you guys look. And at least I’m not ugly to boot!” “You’re right. You’re, what was it that one lady said? Cute as a button.” “Bright as a button.” Max corrected his brother. “Whatever that means.” “And he’d be even cuter if we took his shorts.” Brian groaned. They were always making dumb plans. “I’m gonna go pee.’ He muttered, sliding off of the chair and hoping that his cousins had not noticed the way his feet dangled from it. “We’d better go with you.” Max sai

TWV: The Bet

“Bet you do!” “I don’t. Honest.” “C’mon. Every guy does. My brother still has a couple pairs of tighty whities and he’s in college!” “Sorry, Jess. I haven’t worn them since I was like eight.” Jess rolled her eyes. “You’re obviously lying or something.” She said dismissively. “You’re the one that brought it up!” “You’re the one that was snickering like a moron about Davey Conta wearing them in the locker room!” Jess smirked. “Bet you anything you had at least one pair of tighty whities upstairs.” “I honestly don’t.” Why was she so fixated on this? “Then you won’t be afraid to prove it. Right?” Jess got up off of the couch. “Can’t I just drop my pants or whatever?” “That won’t prove anything.” Jess said with a wicked grin. He sighed. She had her mind set on it now, so there was no way to dissuade her. “Fine, let’s go. But when I prove it, you’re gonna owe me big.” “What do you want?” She asked as they climbed the stairs. “I’ll let you know after I prove to you I don’t have

The Three Sailors

Brian's grandmother was, in a word, eccentric. She always came up with ideas that the family called "out there", but everyone respected her too much to tell her what they really thought. So, when it came to Cassandra's wedding, the family social event of the season, she decided unilaterally that Brian and his cousins Max and Matt should wear sailor suits. It did not matter that Matt, the youngest of them, would be turning eleven in a month. What mattered was she thought they would look adorable, so it was set. Brian sighed as he was herded into a bedroom to change into his outfit. Max and Matt were already there, stripped to their boxer briefs. "Wanna see 'em?" Max asked. The three of them looked more like brothers than cousins, which was why grandma had decided the three should match. "Sure." Brian said. He had seen photos of sailor suits and figured he knew what he was in for. Max led him over to the three sailor suits on the bed. Two white,

TWV: Hangover

Aiden groaned as he slowly woke up. What had woke him up so freaking early, he wondered as his head pounded. He heard one of his brothers screaming downstairs and groaned again. They were always so loud first thing in the morning! It did not help that he had one hell of a hangover. If he were smart, it might have kept him from going out partying, but he still did it each and every Friday. Kicking off the covers, Aiden could not shake the feeling that something was wrong. He stood up a bit shaky, and scratched his butt, his fingers stopping as he realized that the cloth under them did not feel right. He looked down and gasped. This had to be a dream, right? His boxers were gone and right there, covering his bulge, was unmistakably a pair of white briefs. "What the fuck?" He groaned, grabbing his forehead as it felt like it was about to split. Where had these come from? This could not be a dream; it was too weird. But seriously, he had switched out of tighty whities in what? T